Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

The birds around here are SUPER tame. Especially the Pine Siskin's. I went outside with the bird feeder, held still for a minute and a half... and BOOM! A big flock appeared and were crawling all overs my head, legs, arms and the feeder. An occasional Chickadee would appear.
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Hoping to get a game cam just for fun. Any advice? Good features to look for? Things to avoid?

Been following this thread for some time, but haven't posted (no cam!), so hope you don't mind if I share a couple of pics from a regular camera.

Banditos in the apricot tree. They're not even ripe yet!
Wishing4Wings, nice pics! As for game cams, there's lots of advice on this thread about different ones, models, etc. Just do a search and you'll see lots of posts. I have the Bushnell 8 and I do not like it at all. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I'm hoping to get a new cam after Christmas (when they may be on sale). There are a lot of different features so you need to decide what is most important to you. I want clear color night pics - to get I will have to go with a white flash instead of the infra-red. The flash is visible to animals and may spook them. I remember hearing Moultrie has several good cams. So I guess you need to do some reading up! Hope that helps.
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Wishing4Wings, nice pics! As for game cams, there's lots of advice on this thread about different ones, models, etc. Just do a search and you'll see lots of posts. I have the Bushnell 8 and I do not like it at all. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I'm hoping to get a new cam after Christmas (when they may be on sale). There are a lot of different features so you need to decide what is most important to you. I want clear color night pics - to get I will have to go with a white flash instead of the infra-red. The flash is visible to animals and may spook them. I remember hearing Moultrie has several good cams. So I guess you need to do some reading up! Hope that helps.

Yea we have a Buschnell, A moultrie, & dangit i can't remember, all I Know is somehow we ended up with 4 different ones. The Buschnell is medium sized & camo colored w/infared & it akes the best quality pics, but doesn't have a digital dislpay so not as many options....then we have a teeny one that isl ike 4" x 6" & its great b/c it has a digital display w/tons of options like 3,5,8 megapixel pic choice, video/camera choice, sound w/video, the trigger on it is TONS better b/c u can set it to be sensative, normal or hard or whatever, but it doesn't takte as good of pictures as the bushnell we have, if somehow I could mix like 1 thing on each of the 4 cameras together...that'd work lol

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