Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!


Yes, I too was thinking "That is a VERY well fed cat - lots of mice?"

Got this bobcat on my trail cam last week. I knew I saw one when I was bow hunting last year and nobody believed me at our camp. Now I have proof! These are rare in northern Wisconsin to see.

Awesome! I only get them on cam at night. They're gorgeous.
Your possums sure are ugly looking beasts - not cute and cuddly like our ones! lol

They're hideous and they hiss.

I set my jack russel terrier loose on one of them and it grabbed it and swung it around a few times then left it alone because it was playing dead. Of course the possum just got up and walked away. This happened a few times till I got tired of it and came in the house to get a gun. They're evil little monsters lol.
Never realized how beautiful they are. I still won't hesitate to shoot it if it comes too close.

That one looks a little bit mangy...shooting would be an excellent idea.

I hate coyotes, cause a lot of problems around here. BUT, I do think they are absolutely beautiful. I love to watch them...I have a bunch of pics of coyotes, but all mine are either in traps or dead and I'm figuring no one wants to see that on a trail cam thread. I need to get my camera back up.
I don't ever see them in my yard (I live in "town" if you can call it that) but I hear them quite often. They have been seen in town a few times, but I come across them most often out in the fields. I hunt them, got one a couple months ago now, but haven't gotten to go out much brother doesn't seem to enjoy hanging out with his big sister even though all I want to do is hunt.
There has never been a hunting trip where I didn't at least hear them. Almost always see something, but can't always see if it's a fox or coyote, although I'll shoot foxes too.

My dad traps and I go with him as often as I seems they've gotten smarter this year. Most of the guys around here are having a hard time catching them.
They're hideous and they hiss.

I set my jack russel terrier loose on one of them and it grabbed it and swung it around a few times then left it alone because it was playing dead. Of course the possum just got up and walked away. This happened a few times till I got tired of it and came in the house to get a gun. They're evil little monsters lol.

Poor possums! lol

I clear mine out (Brush Tails) every 6 months or so, by trapping them and taking them for a long drive - at least 10 miles away.

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