Post Your Game Cam Pics Here!!!

My chicks aren't old enough to go outside yet, but I had hubby's game cam set up to see if I could figure out what keeps digging in the trash bags in the back of his truck (he refuses to go to the dump until the bed is full of trash...waste of gas he says
). I had set up critter traps baited with peanut butter and jelly spread on bread, and couldn't figure out why nothing was being caught, yet new holes would be ripped in the bags. So I set up the game cam, and realized...once I saw the culprit...I needed to bait with tuna fish and not PB&J LOL...

Still haven't caught the cat...there's a separate critter trap inside the bed of the truck, as well as the one beside the rear tire...both have tuna fish as bait. I asked around and none of my neighbors has a black and white cat, nor a dark gray and white when I catch this big guy, he's going for a really long ride...
I'm pretty sure my game cam is a piece. I'm probably going to return it and try another. I got the truthcam 35. Usually I don't get a single pic,but once in a while I'll have pics of deer in one shot, and then very next shot they have miraculously disappeared and it's hours later. Most of the time all I get is the arm of someone getting the sd card. I've sent my dog right out In front of it and gotten nothing! Yesterday I didn't even get the arm shot, lol.

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