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Wishing for Wings, the finches are beautiful . If you want more fun get one of the "upside down," finch feeders, the seed port is below the perch - about the only birds that are able to use the feeder (upside down) are finches and chickadees. It is so funny and they know right off they must flip upside down. It really keeps thistle safe for the intended birds.
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Thanks for the cam info. I've been researching, but haven't decided yet. They can get pretty pricey!

Yea I know they can get pricey, I actually won one of mine b/c my dad & me and my husband went through a scratchie buying phase w/the AR lottery lol & you type in all the losing card #'s & it gives you points for prizes lol I actually used about half my points to buy it :) not sure how much it woulda been, over $100 though thats for sure
We have a few times, mostly in the summer. They are all neutered (we have a GREAT trap-neuter-return program here) so I think that brings down their aggressiveness. And yes they are big fluffy cats..we very rarely put out meat scraps for them but I suspect that someone nearby must feed them regularly. The big guy in front comes to our yard at least 1x a week but so far has shown no interest in the chickens.

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