Post your Pop Door (and lock) pics

Here is what I came up with.

Scrap trim and plywood. Plan to add a rope and pulley in future.
Pop doors are easiest to build and fast.. work well even in freezing snow and sometimes ice if you have enough play in the door and the side wells to bang on the door and break the ice seal.
The bolt I find. A nice idea in some climates but I've found with areas with climate change rain snow etc wood shrinks expands and I've been outside in bad weather freezing hands trying to get the dang hole and bolt to mesh..but in a more even climate than Mo they are probably great.
I've tried a few latches.. My coops are tractor so low. I screwed on a piece of wood or metal above the door on the roof that can be swiveled over the shut door top so critters can't lift the door.
Also 2 attached metal bolt recepticals like a bolt goes into. Or like you use for a padlock and a long thick bolt with a nut I screw on the end
after securing so the bolt can't be worked out of the bolt recepticals
I use bolt recepticals a lot bigger than the bolt for play in the wood....just make sure the bolt head and nut are bigger than the bolt so it can't work thru. .( sorry I don't know the real name of the bolt receptical.)
Now my question to do I make a hinged door?Mine haven't been really successfully tight. do I need a half inch deep wood frame smaller than the door.. on the inside the door shuts against to be tight then a framed around the door itself on the outside.that overlaps The siding.?seems right?
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I'm also trying to figure out a drawbridge style door/ramp. I think I have an idea of how to raise it/close it, but it's tricky how to make it want to open...
I used a plastic cutting board from Wal-Mart for the door that slides in a wooden track.  Works better than I ever thought it would.


A couple of the door while the coop was under construction. Well, it's still under construction even though the chickens are living in it now.



A view from the outside.


The pulley system connected to the door.


The pulley system anchor point.

Neat idea!

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