Post your Pop Door (and lock) pics

Perfect timing. DH and I were just discussing pop doors. He thinks if we have them, it will not be a secure coop, a weak point for predators. Help me convince him that we need a couple! (12' x 18' coop). We have only a big ol barn door type as the only opening. Thanks to you all, for the great ideas!
On our first coop, I have a regular cabinet door as the pop door. The 2nd coop ( add on to the first) I have a slide up pop door. In the new coop, because of the set up, I went a little different. I utilized space under the window. The door opens and closes from the inside of the coop. Here it is open:

I used long hinges to create a bi-fold door. I think hubby said they were called piano hinges. Here is the door halfway open.

Closed and locked:

And then the ramp flips up to give added security against the bottom of the door:
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Mine is very basic. slides up and down in a track 12x12. I would make sure your door opening isn't on the floor level, leave a few inches so the bedding won't fall out all the time. mine have to kinda hop up to the opening. the wood dowel locks it open and locks it closed.


If you don't have a pop door, you are putting the climate within at the mercy of the outside climate. They can heat up the coop well and also, if well shaded or covered in climbing plants, it can be a cooler area than outside- the big door lets the outside temps in, whether you want that or not.

I have the pop door so mine don't freeze in the winter or bake in the summer due to the act of going in and out, amongst a gazillion other reasons.

Regarding size, mine is only 8"x8", and the big, hurkey Barred Rocks make it in and out beautifully.
Mine slides up and down between runners and secures with a slide bolt.
Then I saw this one and wish I had made mine like it. I thought it was a clever design.
Here are a couple pictures of mine. I don't have any close up photos, but you can get an idea from these pictures. There is a 10 inch by 12 inch pop door on the north and south sides of the main chicken house. Each door is hinged to provide a ramp into the pens when opened. When closed, the ramps seal off the doorway. They have worked well for me. You can see more photos of my chicken house and flock here .



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