Post your Thanksgiving menu....


12 Years
Mar 1, 2008
Texas Gulf Coast
Mashed sweet potatoes
Mashed potatoes
Broccoli rice casserole
Edited to add: mac and cheese and cranberry sauce
Fruit salad
Challah bread
Coconut cream pie
Chocolate cake

Beignets are for breakfast

I can't wait!!!!
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Edited for update:

It's still fluid at this point but here is what I'm thinking.

Roasted home grown pullet, she is on the scrawny side but will be plenty for the two of us.
Cornbread dressing, some with oysters.
Canned cranberry sauce, to quote Rick Bragg "we don't hold with cranberry sauce that don't slurp when it comes out of the can"
Parker House rolls (ugly but did better than expected)
Broccoli rice casserole.
Green beans.
Sweet potato casserole.
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Fried Turkey
Mashed Potatoes
5-cheese macaroni and cheese
Green Beans
Corn Souffle
Parker House Rolls
Spiced Pumpkin Cheesecake with Bourbon Sauce
Apple Pie

And there might be a couple other things, I'm having a blonde brain lapse...

If I get more ambitious, there might be Pecan Sticky Buns for breakfast. Today's my baking day!

It's gonna be fun seeing everyone's menu...

Oven-roasted turkey
Gravy (Heinz turkey gravy...yum!)
Mashed potatoes
Baked beans
'Candied' yams (If my son doesn't eat all the marshmallows!)
Brown & Serve rolls (<--a MUST for our holiday dinners!)
Homemade cranberry sauce (Yum!!)
Pumpkin, apple, and chocolate mousse pies and cheesecake
Hoka (local grower) turkey roast (its a deboned turkey rolled up like a roast, both dark and white meat and I wait all year for this!
side of turkey thighs and drumsticks
roasted sweet potatoes
wild rice with smoked oysters
buttermilk corn muffins
"asian" greenbeans (with ginger, water chestnuts, sesame seeds, soysauce)

Today I am making real pumpkin pie with our real eggs by Martha Stewart's recipe, and apple pie (gluten free crust)

Thanks everybody for posting! I only have my little family of 5 plus my own mother for Thanksgiving, and I admit it feels lonely. This is the first thanksgiving in years that I'm not working, so I am very glad to be home, and I look forward to "living vicariously" through reading about all your dinners!

I hope some pictures get posted!
Glazed Ham
Candied sweet potatoes
Scalloped potatoes(WITH BACON.. cant miss bacon in thanksgiving dinner!)
Green bean cassorole
FRESH cranberry sauce
Rolls(hawiian style)

Should be feeding about 15. Incluing my parnets (mom/BF, Dad/Wife, BF's parents, Brothers, aunts and uncles.. it should be interesting to say the least!)

I'm also going to can a bunch of oranges and make honey orange slices as favors! MMmm!!
Mmmm, makes me hungry already!!

We're having:

Cranberries (not canned, yuck lol)
Mashed Potatoes & Homemade Gravy
Butternut Squash Pie (tastes just like pumpkin!)
Stuffing with our home canned chicken broth (YUM)

Day after Thanksgiving breakfast:

Potato pancakes made with leftover potatoes from Thanksgiving

Out of it all I think we only had to buy a few things like the turkey and cranberries
Thanks for reminding me about the mac and cheese....I promised my son I'd make it and I totally forgot. You saved my bacon....
Roast goose, cooked with apples.
Baked yams with butter
pecan pie

I absolutely despise those canned yams cooked with brown sugar and marshmallow. I was 50 years old before I discovered yams are actually delicious if you don't try to turn them into candy. I had to go to 3 stores in order to find Beauregard yams.

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