Posted this in the Emergency Board... UPDATE: Jesse has passed on T_T

We don't have much of a real feed store around here. Just a few folks raise some chicken and all. I did want to update everyone. Jesse is still in the infirmary (bathtub). I thought while cleaning his area out and all that a bath might do him some real good, at least the water could keep him off his legs for a little bit and he could play around to lift his spirits as nothing is worse than a depressed goose. He did love it. I made the water more on the warm side so his muscles can feel better. We had about 30 minutes of water therapy. I emptied the bath water out and went to fill it with feed tomatoes spinach and boiled egg and he was standing without the bath water. AWESOME I am thing right? Anyways I have a towel folded under him and a small oil filled space heater you know the radiator type. Because I cannot find the meds anywhere I thought do or die, I have been putting ACV in the water, maybe a good splash of it in a gallon icecream bucket. I had my last bathroom stop of the night he is still standing the poop still has what looks like blood and mucus but there are other food particles coming through too. The tomato I had only given tonight and it was whole so it is not that.
For some reason my geese like to play ball with red tomatoes go figure. They don't do it with regular balls. Jesse is doing some tomato rolling so I guess he is feeling better. I am going to keep him in the infirmary for at least one more day or until his poop is back to normal. The other geese are missing him.
Thank you everyone sincerely from both my husband and I. My other goose (his mate) died by a dog getting her. I don't know how I would deal with another one dieing.
Last post on this! Jesse is well and good this morning so I put him out with the two young ones. He was honking in the bathroom and the babies (they are 6 months old) kept honking back. His stool was normal but still passing pink fluid which leads me to believe it might be renal. That leads me to a question. I know it may sound stupid but here goes: Does geese have a renal system such as bladder kidneys etc? I am going to bring him in tonight when it gets dark as I am sure he is still weak. I don't want him to over do it. I am glad too that when he got down and could not walk it was close to the house.
You folks are a wealth of information. I hope that in someway I could show my gratitude to all the kind help that was given.
How is his beak and foot color? If they are pale it could be a sign of anemia.

My Ethel got terribly sick, just like him. Could not stand, flopped over, would not eat but did drink some. I was so afraid for her that I took her to the vet, almost 600 dollars later she was diagnosed with heavy metal poisoning. You could see the buckshot in her intestines on the exray. I had to force feed her for a while and give her a shot every day for about 10 days and fed her peanut butter bread to bind the pellets and get them out of her. My hubby calls her the "Golden Goose" now, says after that $600 she should lay gold eggs for us.
Where did the buckshot come from queenbeezzz? so happy to hear Jesse is doing so much better. I would think they do have bladder and kidneys. Maybe look up on Google.
Feet does look a little pale but it could be having a bathtub pond and two days out the mud. His beak though is looking alright. We have lots of trees of course with birds and everything and so much rain lately with colder weather. He has been through the stress of loosing his mate also so his immune might have been off. We found the stagnant water that could have been the culprit. I let him stay outside all day long and put him back in the bathroom tonight to stay warm. I don't know if I am being nervous mom but it cannot hurt him. He still seems a little weak, I will try the peanut butter sandwiches for him tonight. We have some whole wheat bread that neither Otis nor I like. It is not moldy or stale but had a different flavor to it.
Ethel loved the peanut butter sandwiches! So much that they have become aregular treat that she expects every evening, she now has the other geese demanding them too. As best as we can figure she got the buckshot by shifting the mud and sand inthe ponds, the previous owner of our property was a rea; idiot and the people down th road tell me that he used to get drunk and fire off his shotgun into the pond. Hubby spent a lot of time raking out the bottom and hopefully got it out.

I'm so glad your goose is doing better! Keep an eye on him. The vet told me that pale feet and beaks could be a sign of anemia, in Ethel's case caused by the lead.
LOL Golden Goose
Well last night he seemed to be a little weak so we brought him back inside and gave him the same stuff last time. About 3 hours ago my husband found him laying on his back but alive and having a hard time breathing. I filled up the bath again and let him swim for a bit. He did not do so good and kept putting his beak in the water not able to bring it up. I figure with his breathing heavy he was about to die. We wrapped him up in towels and got to hold him with his last breath.

Here is a picture of our first goose. A present for Valentine's day and lover to his beloved Zerelda who passed on about a month ago at the mouth of a bad dog. He was the flock leader who protected the house from evil delivers and reader meters. His favorite thing was to bite when I was dishing out the food. He loved to steal the dipping bucket, attack my laptop bag, and steal grocery sacks full of goodies. As the head of the Welcoming Committee he made sure the baby Toulouse geese stayed in order and reminded us by knocking on the door when the feed was getting low. He was the only one that would talk saying Momma Bye Bye and here kitty kitty. He also was able to imitate the dogs in the neighborhood.
My favorite remembrance of Jesse would be though his love of car rides. We took him to the vet one day in the Redneck Mobile through the hood thinking he had hurt his foot. All he wanted was a car ride. He hung his neck out while we were driving (just like a dog) and almost caused three accidents of people looking back and seeing a goose in a truck riding in the hood.
Good bye Jesse! Even though there were quite a few well placed bruises. We still loved you.


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