Thanks! I think I'm going to put some sort of barrel or something over it with the bottom cut off sp that way I don't risk killing it by moving it. And then I'll fill it with compost and soil. Might buy some soil.

I wonder if I can grow sweet potatoes from a potato spud?
You could just make a tall ring of hardware cloth.
Yes you can !
but You can also buy little transplants.
Sweet potatoes really flourish in hot weather.

Thanks! How deep do you have to plant them?

You could just make a tall ring of hardware cloth.

Does the hardware cloth hold the dirt in? We have lots of hardware cloth
I use medium/tall laundry baskets.
The kind with holes all around.
I line it with a piece of landscaping cloth then dump in about eight inches of soil then nestle my sprouted potatoes in the soil, cover with another six inches of soil and water.
It only takes a few days for the leaves to emerge above the soil line.
Cover leaves completely with soil, hen water each time this happens until you’ve neared the top of the growing container.
I use medium/tall laundry baskets.
The kind with holes all around.
I line it with a piece of landscaping cloth then dump in about eight inches of soil then nestle my sprouted potatoes in the soil, cover with another six inches of soil and water.
It only takes a few days for the leaves to emerge above the soil line.
Cover leaves completely with soil, hen water each time this happens until you’ve neared the top of the growing container.

Thanks for the suggestion!! Great idea!! So they have to sprout first?
Thanks for the suggestion!! Great idea!! So they have to sprout first?
When you start from scratch, yes. The eyes on the potato sprout.
You can plant the whole potato or just a chunk. *you need two eyes on a chunk to make this work.

I just buy a handful of small organic potatoes, stash them in a paper bag for a couple of weeks then plant them.
When you start from scratch, yes. The eyes on the potato sprout.
You can plant the whole potato or just a chunk. *you need two eyes on a chunk to make this work.

I just buy a handful of small organic potatoes, stash them in a paper bag for a couple of weeks then plant them.

Thanks! That's helpful. I'm gonna go buy some potatoes now lol

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