Poultry agility course competition! Show me your chickens going through an obstacle course! Contest ends November 1st!!

Yes, the tile is being changed! If possible can you post a video of your hen going through th obstacle course in a private convo with me? It lets you post videos on a conversation, and it will make it easier to judge! Thanks
I’ll try to get her to. It’s one obstacle so I know we won’t win but I wanted to do it for fun. She’s a flighty Old English bantam
I’ll try to get her to. It’s one obstacle so I know we won’t win but I wanted to do it for fun. She’s a flighty Old English bantam
Maybe you could do the one obstacle, and then just had her weave through some rocks or something, and some really easy set up stuff to make the course longer! Ohh, and you can enter up to 2 entries, but you can't win twice. I will pick the best out of your two enters and judge with that one.
Maybe you could do the one obstacle, and then just had her weave through some rocks or something, and some really easy set up stuff to make the course longer! Ohh, and you can enter up to 2 entries, but you can't win twice. I will pick the best out of your two enters and judge with that one.
Ok I’ll try this afternoon 😀
I LOVE THIS! What a fun idea! I will try to set something up for my hens this weekend, and will submit a video of their triumphant victory through the obstacle course... or a dismal failure and chaos, which I suspect is the more likely scenario. Either way, this is going to be fun!
What a fun idea! Love the entries shown here. Very nice work by everyone..er...every hen. There are some great videos of students using clickers and pointers with a red dot on the end with treats for rewards to train chickens to quickly run through very complicated mazes with all sorts of obstacles.

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