Poultry agility course competition! Show me your chickens going through an obstacle course! Contest ends November 1st!!

I will! I can't do it right now, I'm busy, but later tonight I can probably find time to make a course. If it doesn't work then I hope someone else can enter too. My girls are crazy for treats so hopefully it will work.
Yes, I will recruit some more people! @Fuchsia @Azureduckchick @Duck mommy 2019 I don't care if you think your chicken will fail, jus too it for the laugh and some fun, and if they do fail, you can enter them in my funny video contest! @cooingdove @Xouie @black_cat @
That would be awesome! @TwoCrows down kwnw if you want to enter or not, but I would love it if you could erase the end date from the title and the bottom of my VERY long rules list! 😂 That would be REALLY appreciated! @N F C, down know if you could do me a favor either?
Let me end this contest for you! :) Let me know if you want anything else edited into your first post.
I LOVE THIS! What a fun idea! I will try to set something up for my hens this weekend, and will submit a video of their triumphant victory through the obstacle course... or a dismal failure and chaos, which I suspect is the more likely scenario. Either way, this is going to be fun!
Yes pleas enter! What day shall I remind you on... I always need to be reminded.... :gig
I saw your contest when u first announced it. It immediately caught my eye then and again today, because i competed in dog agility for many years. But i didnt have time to properly select & train agility chickens to do them justice! I bet there are others on here who have competed in dog agility too, so hopefully u will get better response next time! I am glad to see that some last day entrants made the attempt!!
Its still open until I think I have enough entries! I would change the title to say its till open but its to late to do that. I would start a new one, but this one is JUST getting bumped up in the list, so if I start a new one, it will be at the bottom of the list again!

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