Poultry deit


Apr 29, 2022
Does anyone feed their flock only fruit and veggies ( they do have access to grass and anything on the ground in they're pen) A family member was Dr diagnosed with being allergic to all if not most grains and want s me to ween my flock off grains so that they can still have they're eggs. I looked it up, an according to a few sites I checked. Grains aren't that great for chickens or ducks. 🤷 I wanted your guys opinion.
Does anyone feed their flock only fruit and veggies ( they do have access to grass and anything on the ground in they're pen) A family member was Dr diagnosed with being allergic to all if not most grains and want s me to ween my flock off grains so that they can still have they're eggs. I looked it up, an according to a few sites I checked. Grains aren't that great for chickens or ducks. 🤷 I wanted your guys opinion.
Chickens are omnivores and need protein, preferably, animal protein.
They also need specific levels of macro and micro nutrients. If given a very large area in a tropical area to range in they could fend for themselves as can be attested by the feral chicken populations in places like Hawaii.
But they will suffer greatly if you try to just feed them on fruits and veggies.
Once the chicken consumes the grains their digestive system breaks the food down into it's basic components and extracts what it needs for fuel and building blocks. None of the original grain is going to be part of the egg.
Does anyone feed their flock only fruit and veggies ( they do have access to grass and anything on the ground in they're pen) A family member was Dr diagnosed with being allergic to all if not most grains and want s me to ween my flock off grains so that they can still have they're eggs. I looked it up, an according to a few sites I checked. Grains aren't that great for chickens or ducks. 🤷 I wanted your guys opinion.
Fruits and veggies are not enough to sustain today’s modern chickens, and even if they can survive off it, they won’t be thriving. Chickens need a well formulated diet to be productive layers. It is near impossible for the average backyard chicken owner to formulate and provide a well balanced homemade diet, so for the average chicken keeper or homesteader, a commercially formulated diet tends to be the most economical and convenient. Of course this can be supplemented with free ranging and the occasional greens, but they should never make up the majority of a chicken’s diet.

What are you currently feeding your birds?
Fruits and veggies are not enough to sustain today’s modern chickens, and even if they can survive off it, they won’t be thriving. Chickens need a well formulated diet to be productive layers. It is near impossible for the average backyard chicken owner to formulate and provide a well balanced homemade diet, so for the average chicken keeper or homesteader, a commercially formulated diet tends to be the most economical and convenient. Of course this can be supplemented with free ranging and the occasional greens, but they should never make up the majority of a chicken’s diet.

What are you currently feeding your birds?
The ducks (7weeks) are fed all poultry feed pellets as well as veggies and fruit (I've only started to give them. An from what I've seen, they haven't touched any that I've thrown in their pen. ) Strawberry's, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, tomatoes. I even cut everything into small pieces for the ducks. The chickens get the same as they share a pen. They show a bit more interest in the fruit an veggies I toss in. But still skeptical. They have free range of their pen. I noticed there isn't a lot of small rocks in their pen so I gave them a bowl of grit. I'm currently working on getting the ducks Minos for their pool. I've never had ducks before so I'm still learning. Even with all the research I did before getting them.

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