Poultry Lice?

The Angry Hen

Crossing the Road
6 Years
Dec 17, 2016
My Coop
My Coop
A few weeks back, I noticed a couple (about 5) of my birds having a small amount of straw-colored-parasite-looking bugs crawling at the base of their feathers- beneath the hackle and under the wings, sometimes just before the tail but not around the vent. After doing some research, they most resemble poultry lice AKA "chicken body louse"... Does this make sense? They've spread to more of my birds but I don't know where they originated.

I took one of my hen's feathers with them on it and stuck it in a small jar. I'll try to get a picture. In the meantime, how can I naturally get rid of these parasites without using DE? Will putting some loose dirt in the coops act the same? I'd appreciate any suggestions.

(I also made up a spray of cinnamon, oregano, thyme and vinegar after reading these may repel. It startles the birds when sprayed beneath their feathers and it didn't really work that I know of.)
Thank you both for your suggestions- I will further look into the product. My only concern is that Permethrin is considered a natural insecticide derived from Chrysanthemums. I do like the idea of hearing "natural" when speaking about plant-based medication, but the product is synthetic so I don't necessarily think it's correct.

I intend to search around, though, and put the idea to thought. Thanks again for the help.
My only concern is that Permethrin is considered a natural insecticide derived from Chrysanthemums. I do like the idea of hearing "natural" when speaking about plant-based medication, but the product is synthetic so I don't necessarily think it's correct.
Yes, permethrin is the synthetic version of the chrysanthemum derived pyrethrin.
You might be able to find pyrethrin....
...but seriously, what's more important... 'natural' or suffering chickens?
@aart The obvious answer is that I do not want my chickens to be suffering- nor does anybody that cares about their bird's well-being and health.
I dislike to use synthetic/unnatural medicine and products for myself or my family...it goes for my animals too.
I simply sought suggestions on how to keep my egg layers healthy, and natural, when I've been trying my best to do so up until now... not to neglect them.

"I intend to search around, though, and put the idea to thought."
I'll do just as I said. If I cannot find anything else, I will resort to Permethrin though it wasn't my first choice. To answer your question, I do not want suffering chickens.
A few weeks back, I noticed a couple (about 5) of my birds having a small amount of straw-colored-parasite-looking bugs crawling at the base of their feathers- beneath the hackle and under the wings, sometimes just before the tail but not around the vent. After doing some research, they most resemble poultry lice AKA "chicken body louse"... Does this make sense? They've spread to more of my birds but I don't know where they originated.

I took one of my hen's feathers with them on it and stuck it in a small jar. I'll try to get a picture. In the meantime, how can I naturally get rid of these parasites without using DE? Will putting some loose dirt in the coops act the same? I'd appreciate any suggestions.

(I also made up a spray of cinnamon, oregano, thyme and vinegar after reading these may repel. It startles the birds when sprayed beneath their feathers and it didn't really work that I know of.)

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