Poultry show! Ends September 13th!

Name: Nugget
Age: 6 months
Breed: Black Austrolap
Category: 1
Name: Lackey
Age: under a year
Gender: cockerel
Breed: Barred Rock mix
Category: 3

Lackey is a very nice and tame cockerel that was given to us. He is probably the nicest rooster we have.

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Name: Midnight Mosses Crow
Age: 11 moths
Gender: cockerel
Breed: Ayam Cemani
Category: 3

About: Midnight is well...... not the friendliest rooster I have owned but I love him a lot! He can be sweet and I’m looking forward to starting to breed the Ayam Cemani! (I use this picture a lot because it’s the best I got of him)

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