Poultry show! Ends September 13th!

Hey guys, ounce again good job! i would advise that all of you or some of you, enter your chickens in @Jersey giant lover 's poultry show! There are only about 2 entries! This show was very fun, and I would love for that one to have more then 2 entries! Enter, Enter, Enter, here is the link- https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/online-poultry-show-all-are-welcome.1413682/ ! Congadualtions everyone! I have not say, that comp was hard to judge, and I must have switched my 1st, 2nds, 3rds and categories around about a hundred times! But in the end It all came out great! And I want to give shout out to Delilah, the RIR with @Dalylah, our buff orpington, Holly that entered because they might not have been the prettiest, but they sure looked like sweet lovable chickens! I would give a shout out to all the brave chickens that entered but there ar away to many! I enjoyed looking at all of your chickens, and I gotta, say, a lot of you mad eye pretty jealous! Thanks again, Avery! :thumbsup

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