Power out! Great timing Mother Nature


10 Years
Aug 3, 2013
Pineville, Louisiana
Just got three baby EE chicks and put them in my outside brooder this morning. A big storm hit tonight and now the power is out. The chicks are with (3) four week old BCM chicks so six chicks total in the brooder. The projected over night temp went from 77 degrees down to 73. Now I get to go out and fire up the generator and put a heat plate out for them. AND, I left my boots out on the porch so now they are full of water. It’s going to be a long night.:mad:
you are not in bad shape, it's August. you have 6 chicks total, and provided that the older chicks are not chasing off the younger chicks they will huddle together to keep warm and survive. I have the same Temps you have and my 3 week old chicks go without heat in an outside brooder this time of year.
I watch a youtube channel called off grid with Doug and Stacey, they do not use any heating source for their chicks they just let them huddle up to keep warm, they break the huddle to eat and drink when they are warm enough then go back to the huddle to keep warm.
I wouldn't even use the heat plate if the older chicks let the young easter eggers huddle with them. Save those watts for higher priorities.
of course it would not hurt to check on them from time to time if you are not too exhausted tonight. I know i get exhausted when Mother Nature creates havoc. I believe they will be ok. It is a bit concerning because the EE are so young however the Marans are stepping up and helping out... maybe save some extra treats for them when they get out of the brooder they are earning them tonight.
I will. Also, their three gallon waterer is still warm from today’s sun. Lately I’ve been adding an ice jug to all the waterers because it’s been so hot, but today I didn’t get off work until it was to late to add them. That’s one good thing that happed I guess! They are tucked up against it so that will help also.
Chicks are fine this morning. Probably a little annoyed at me for shinning a light in their face three times in one night, though.

My new Honda 6500 has been running all night and still no update from the power company as to when the power will be restored. I’ve had two power outages this past year and this generator has 1/2 paid for itself so far. :D
Chicks are fine this morning. Probably a little annoyed at me for shinning a light in their face three times in one night, though.

My new Honda 6500 has been running all night and still no update from the power company as to when the power will be restored. I’ve had two power outages this past year and this generator has 1/2 paid for itself so far. :D
This is good news, they do better in the cold than they do when its too warm from my experiences but at their age too warm is over 100 degrees. The Marans will be fine because they have most of their feathers and its still August. The Easter Eggers may have to struggle a bit but I bet they will be fine.
Good for you!
This spring, our portable generator being 25 years old, and wondering if it will hold up to another power outage, we had a whole house generator installed! :wee:love:weeI told the neighbors that it's guaranteed that our neighborhood won't have outage problems ever again, because it's here, and likely won't ever be used. Good thought, right?
Those fun 2am trips out with the gas cans to refill the portable are over, at last!

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