prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Soooo..... the quiz trip..... that was one, uuuuh... learning experience. We stunk. Bad. Like, really really bad
Kinda new to this group so I don't even know where you were or what you were doing. Well, try, try again!!
Haha, gotcha
Welcome, BTW

I was in Athens, GA for a bible quiz trip. Every one but me had all of Romans and James memorized (I had 3/4 of romans), but appearantly it was only "memorized" and not "flashcardable" which basically means that if someone says, "quote Romans 7:13" you don't even have to think twice, you just do it. None of us had all of it that well
Kinda new to this group so I don't even know where you were or what you were doing. Well, try, try again!!

Haha, gotcha :lol:  Welcome, BTW :frow
I was in Athens, GA for a bible quiz trip. Every one but me had all of Romans and James memorized (I had 3/4 of romans), but appearantly it was only "memorized" and not "flashcardable" which basically means that if someone says, "quote Romans 7:13" you don't even have to think twice, you just do it. None of us had all of it that well :/

It's kinda nice when Christian bands can cross over and draw a crowd that otherwise might not ever get a seed planted. Sure has changed my life for the better to find out I didn't have to hear opera. And to get away from the sappy love songs of christian radio that just didn't work at that time in my life....

Now, yes.. I have been to metal and rock concerts to. So stay safe if you're going! ;)

Yes it is! I would have preferred if they were playing with Christian bands but I think it will still be an enjoyable concert.

I will, thank you :)

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