prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Quick prayer request:
My older sister is not feeling well. She did a rapid test which came back positive for Covid. She lives in the same home as I do, so a lot of plans (not really fun ones, more like dentist appointments) have been cancelled.

I hope that she'll get better-she has asthma and really isn't feeling good.
More prayers, my friend! ❤️🙏❤️
My grandfather has been sick for quite a while so it's not sudden, but he did pass away earlier today. Please pray for my family and especially for my grandmother. She lives in a different state far away from all her family and it would be great if she would change her mind about moving closer.
So sorry for your loss, Isa, and especially for your grandmother. Prayers that she will make good decisions in this difficult time. Also praying for your family. May your faith comfort and strengthen you. :hugs
Well unfortunately during the meeting I had today I had some issues come up which have simultaneously sped up and complicated the situation. Right now I’ve got until Friday to really make some decisions and I’m feeling overwhelmed right now.
Fear not! He who formed you knows your going out and your coming in (Psalm 100, I think) and has promised to guide you in all your ways. He has also promised to BLESS you in all your ways remember, "ALL things work together for good, etc...." So no matter how you choose, you can expect Him to bless you, if you put Him first.

Psalm 31:2-3 KJV
Bow down thine ear to me; deliver me speedily: be thou my strong rock, for an house of defence to save me. [3] For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name's sake lead me, and guide me.
My grandfather has been sick for quite a while so it's not sudden, but he did pass away earlier today. Please pray for my family and especially for my grandmother. She lives in a different state far away from all her family and it would be great if she would change her mind about moving closer.
So sorry for your loss and praying for you and your family
Quick prayer request:
My older sister is not feeling well. She did a rapid test which came back positive for Covid. She lives in the same home as I do, so a lot of plans (not really fun ones, more like dentist appointments) have been cancelled.

I hope that she'll get better-she has asthma and really isn't feeling good.

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