prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Stormy night and morning here. People I know have had flooding in their home, power outages, trees down, storm damage, and there were tornadoes in the area, but no injuries, thank God. We have not been able to get out yet due to high water on our road. Going to try again in half an hour, my Gson needs to meet up with our pastor so they can spend the summer in Ks City selling religious literature. Praising God the storms held off till after our evangelistic event!
We were under tornado warning for over an hour this evening. DH's sis and BIL don't have a basement so they came over here. With their dogs. We could hear it but ... no damage that we could see.
Copied from another thread. Thank God for keeping us safe, and also our DGS, who was travelling with our pastor to points west.

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