prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Since we were talking about kids, and being spanked, I have to share what happened last week :D

My oldest(yes, the mouthy 11 yeàr old) has been warned numerous times to quit picking on her sister. I always feel bad for Hannah because she gets the short end of the stick, being 4 years younger, and I can't always catch it when it happens to dole out the spanking.

Last Monday I went to pick them up early. Sammi(the oldest) had an eye appointment to get new glasses. So, I show up in the office to Hannah with a big scrape on her eyelid, which she says was from a stick sammi hit her with while waiting for the bus...ugh :(

So, then in walks Sammi... Holding her glasses in her hand and a black eye. Got smacked in the eye with a basketball.

I had to ask the secretary, "did they come to you damaged like this? They were fine when they left home" ;)

Had to hold my composure there, too. We got out to the car, and I told her, "I've been warning you to watch what you do. Looks like God finally got sick of it and spanked you"...

Do you guys ever see that kind of stuff happen in your lives? Was that God, or coincidence? ;)

I've always seen it as " you get what you deserve"

Luke 6:38

38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
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I have to hold my tongue in the toddler thread, and I own it! Is it okay if I don't here?
God doesn't work like that! The black eye happened because of free will. I understand being upset, but I hope that the tone was such that it was more humored than angry.
Not intended as a continuation of the above posts, just my verse after a disagreement at our Bible study last evening.

Isaiah 53:1 NASB
Who has believed our message?
And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
I have to hold my tongue in the toddler thread, and I own it! Is it okay if I don't here?
God doesn't work like that! The black eye happened because of free will. I understand being upset, but I hope that the tone was such that it was more humored than angry.

Oh yeah lol, I was less concerned with the eye, it was just a bump, but I was trying so hard not to laugh and then get her all mad at me, "you're laughing and I'm dying" kind if thing ;)

I just wanted her to understand that when you do cruddy things to people, you WILL get what you deserve.

It's like this, don't make fun of people for their shortcomings, because someday you might be one of those people.

I don't understand the "free will" part, though. How is getting smacked in the eye free will? Lol I don't think she willingly stood there and waited for it.... But hmm there's a possibility she wasn't even WATCHING the ball since there's this boy she likes.... :D

Same thing has happened to me, numerous times. Run my mouth about someone or something, and next thing ya know, I'm in the same boat. It's one of those things that make me wonder if God doesn't use those opportunities to give us a slight warning ;)
Not intended as a continuation of the above posts, just my verse after a disagreement at our Bible study last evening.

Isaiah 53:1 NASB
Who has believed our message?

And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?

IMO, only those who are called. Is that too vague? :p

* adding in...after thinking, thise who ANSWER the call... Yeah, that's probably a better way to say it ;)
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