prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

My family update, my husband and I are doing great still working on marriage but that's a lifetime job lol. Our daughter is now four will be five in March where does time go, she a sweet stubborn child lol. Our son is two now he starting potty training, his feet are healed By God the Dr wanted three more surgery's, ect, we stopped going and his feet are perfect. We are expecting our third child pretty soon I am due Feb 14. It's a another boy his name is Josiah Joseph. We can't wait. Our farm has grown from just chickens, to geese, ducks, turkeys, goats, and a single rabbit lol. We hoping to be able to buy a place soon but for now we saving up and paying off debt.
Wow congratulations, that's actually our anniversary. I remember those days. I miss them a little, at least every waking moment. Yes marriage is a serious commitment,a vow never to be taken lightly. It says everything in your vows. What would a marriage be without hiccups, & storms. :loveI
You'll be just fine, you've got this far :)

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