prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

प्रणाम मरियम कृपापूर्ण धन्य है तू स्त्रियों में और धन्य है तेरे गर्भ का फल येसु।
है संत मरियम परमेश्वर की माँ प्रार्थना कर हम सभी के लिए, अब और हमारे मरने के समय। आमीन!

I love our farm that I started but I also love Jesus and am thankful for everything He does. I have a YouTube page Inspiration , just click there I know it's hard times for a lot and am willing to pray or listen. Blessings to all.

Just checked out your channel and I love it! :love

Oh and :welcome
प्रणाम मरियम कृपापूर्ण धन्य है तू स्त्रियों में और धन्य है तेरे गर्भ का फल येसु।
है संत मरियम परमेश्वर की माँ प्रार्थना कर हम सभी के लिए, अब और हमारे मरने के समय। आमीन!

This is beautiful! Thank you :love
I said the prayer in Hindi, because I can't do it right in English. Even the translator is not very trustworthy.

Oh yeah no that’s totally understandable!!! And personally I think it was beautiful written that way :love I’m glad you did it that way!! ❤️

I just mostly wanted to translate it because I can’t read Hindi and was curious what it said 😂😂

I figured it was something lovely though and it was :love

But yes, translators usually aren’t very accurate!! LOL I’m sure that probably wasn’t 100% accurate but at least it gave an idea and it was very beautiful, both in Hindi and in English, so thank you :love

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