prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

God please be with all the people and animals that are trapped by evil people in Afghanistan. I pray you heal them quickly, bring home the ones that are still stuck...and please don't let any of them suffer at the hands of this evil..IN JESUS NAME amen
I’ve been praying for this too. It’s awful!
Please keep those in the path of the hurricane in your prayers. New Orleans is having a lot of issues with evacuations. It will be very difficult mentally for a lot people since it’s supposed to hit on the 16th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina.

Please pray for us. I'm in Baton Rouge, directly in the path. Never experienced a hurricane this strong in BR while I've lived here.

Chickens are moving into the dining room, we've got flashlights, batteries, and power banks, and I'm making bread for my family. There's nowhere to buy bread in Baton Rouge right now. We parked the Honda Accord high up in a downtown parking garage and the Pilot is high enough not to move.

Please pray for us. I'm in Baton Rouge, directly in the path. Never experienced a hurricane this strong in BR while I've lived here.

Chickens are moving into the dining room, we've got flashlights, batteries, and power banks, and I'm making bread for my family. There's nowhere to buy bread in Baton Rouge right now. We parked the Honda Accord high up in a downtown parking garage and the Pilot is high enough not to move.

Please pray for us. I'm in Baton Rouge, directly in the path. Never experienced a hurricane this strong in BR while I've lived here.

Chickens are moving into the dining room, we've got flashlights, batteries, and power banks, and I'm making bread for my family. There's nowhere to buy bread in Baton Rouge right now. We parked the Honda Accord high up in a downtown parking garage and the Pilot is high enough not to move.
Praying for you and all in its path, Topo. When is it expected? (Hope you can get this!) Lord, please keep our friend @topochico225 and their family, neighbors and city safe. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.
God please be with all the people and animals that are trapped by evil people in Afghanistan. I pray you heal them quickly, bring home the ones that are still stuck...and please don't let any of them suffer at the hands of this evil..IN JESUS NAME amen
Amen. God bless our military and especially bless our leaders that they may be guided by Your heavenly wisdom to have sound judgment and make good decisions in this hour of desperate need. Help them set politics aside and work with unity to do what is best for all involved, we pray. Where power greater than humans can work, we pray for Your miraculous intervention, in Jesus' name, Amen.

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