prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

I just saw that on my alert page. So so sad. I told them I am praying. I so believe in the power of prayer. Our Heavenly Father is there with her if this is what she wants. And it sounds like she does. She is feeling of His love right now. She knows there are a lot of prayers going out for her. I know He will help comfort her. And, her family. It's so wonderful to have God in your life. I can't imagine going through something like this without Him. Knowing what I know to be true.
I want to ask you all to get on your knees and pray for our sister Donrae, otherwise known as Rachel. I've included the update post from her husband in her "My leukemia is back" thread:
Hi all! The is her Honey posting to update you all. Thank you all for the love and support and for being such an group for her to belong to. She has asked that I tell you all what's going on, so please grab some tissues and sit down.

Rachel had received another round of induction chemotherapy for her leukemia. During her time of little to no immune system, she developed a systematic fungal infection and a bad pneumonia. The pneumonia has simce resolved. She has had one sinus surgery and two eye surgeries combatting the fungus. Rachel has lost her left eye in the process and can not see out of her right eye. The ophthalmologists have said that they will continue to follow her, but unless the infectious disease team can find something else, all they can do is wait to see what her immune system and the iv antifungals will do for her vision.

The fungus has been found in her brain during a mri. The doctors say they are watching for any progression through symptoms.

They believe that the leukemia is currently in remission due to current blood tests, but have not been able to confirm with a bone marrow biopsy. Even if it is, they would need to do a few rounds of consolidation chemotherapy to do it properly. The real problem is that they can not give her more chemotherapy until at least 90 days after the fungal infection is under control. It is still not under control. :(

Unfortunately, this is only the tip of the iceberg. As you may already know, graft versus host disease has already damaged her lungs. Her damaged lungs and chemotherapy have damaged her heart. I have been in the hospital with her for these many weeks and I can tell you she is a fighter! I believe that God is with us! The doctors say she is currently beating the odds. She is still here fighting! Thank you again for everything! With love, Don of donrae

Rachel BB

This brought tears to my eyes...thank you for the update, I have been praying for her often since I heard it was back. I miss her, even though I didn't really know her. :(
I want to ask you all to get on your knees and pray for our sister Donrae, otherwise known as Rachel. I've included the update post from her husband in her "My leukemia is back" thread:
Hi all! The is her Honey posting to update you all. Thank you all for the love and support and for being such an group for her to belong to. She has asked that I tell you all what's going on, so please grab some tissues and sit down.

Rachel had received another round of induction chemotherapy for her leukemia. During her time of little to no immune system, she developed a systematic fungal infection and a bad pneumonia. The pneumonia has simce resolved. She has had one sinus surgery and two eye surgeries combatting the fungus. Rachel has lost her left eye in the process and can not see out of her right eye. The ophthalmologists have said that they will continue to follow her, but unless the infectious disease team can find something else, all they can do is wait to see what her immune system and the iv antifungals will do for her vision.

The fungus has been found in her brain during a mri. The doctors say they are watching for any progression through symptoms.

They believe that the leukemia is currently in remission due to current blood tests, but have not been able to confirm with a bone marrow biopsy. Even if it is, they would need to do a few rounds of consolidation chemotherapy to do it properly. The real problem is that they can not give her more chemotherapy until at least 90 days after the fungal infection is under control. It is still not under control. :(

Unfortunately, this is only the tip of the iceberg. As you may already know, graft versus host disease has already damaged her lungs. Her damaged lungs and chemotherapy have damaged her heart. I have been in the hospital with her for these many weeks and I can tell you she is a fighter! I believe that God is with us! The doctors say she is currently beating the odds. She is still here fighting! Thank you again for everything! With love, Don of donrae

Rachel BB

:eek: I didn't know how bad a state she was in!! :th :( I will be praying for her.
I want to ask you all to get on your knees and pray for our sister Donrae, otherwise known as Rachel. I've included the update post from her husband in her "My leukemia is back" thread:
Hi all! The is her Honey posting to update you all. Thank you all for the love and support and for being such an group for her to belong to. She has asked that I tell you all what's going on, so please grab some tissues and sit down.

Rachel had received another round of induction chemotherapy for her leukemia. During her time of little to no immune system, she developed a systematic fungal infection and a bad pneumonia. The pneumonia has simce resolved. She has had one sinus surgery and two eye surgeries combatting the fungus. Rachel has lost her left eye in the process and can not see out of her right eye. The ophthalmologists have said that they will continue to follow her, but unless the infectious disease team can find something else, all they can do is wait to see what her immune system and the iv antifungals will do for her vision.

The fungus has been found in her brain during a mri. The doctors say they are watching for any progression through symptoms.

They believe that the leukemia is currently in remission due to current blood tests, but have not been able to confirm with a bone marrow biopsy. Even if it is, they would need to do a few rounds of consolidation chemotherapy to do it properly. The real problem is that they can not give her more chemotherapy until at least 90 days after the fungal infection is under control. It is still not under control. :(

Unfortunately, this is only the tip of the iceberg. As you may already know, graft versus host disease has already damaged her lungs. Her damaged lungs and chemotherapy have damaged her heart. I have been in the hospital with her for these many weeks and I can tell you she is a fighter! I believe that God is with us! The doctors say she is currently beating the odds. She is still here fighting! Thank you again for everything! With love, Don of donrae

Rachel BB
I cannot even begin to comprehend how mentally, physically, and spiritually trying this is on her and her family. :( Though I don't know Rachel, I can see how much she is loved on BYC by you all. :hugs I'm praying for her right now and will definitely be adding her to the very top of our family prayer list. :)

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