prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Please pray for my friend John and his wife Claire. We've known this dear couple for many years. Have attended many small group Bible Studies with them, and shared sweet fellowship with them over the years. He's been taken to the hospital today to rule out stroke. It appears that it was slow developing. He was at a small group with other friends this morning, and they noticed that the side of his mouth and one eye was a bit droopy. I'm not sure how long symptoms progressed before it was deemed an issue that needed medical attention.
Will pray for them.
Please pray for my friend John and his wife Claire. We've known this dear couple for many years. Have attended many small group Bible Studies with them, and shared sweet fellowship with them over the years. He's been taken to the hospital today to rule out stroke. It appears that it was slow developing. He was at a small group with other friends this morning, and they noticed that the side of his mouth and one eye was a bit droopy. I'm not sure how long symptoms progressed before it was deemed an issue that needed medical attention.
Please pray for my friend John and his wife Claire. We've known this dear couple for many years. Have attended many small group Bible Studies with them, and shared sweet fellowship with them over the years. He's been taken to the hospital today to rule out stroke. It appears that it was slow developing. He was at a small group with other friends this morning, and they noticed that the side of his mouth and one eye was a bit droopy. I'm not sure how long symptoms progressed before it was deemed an issue that needed medical attention.
Please pray for my friend John and his wife Claire. We've known this dear couple for many years. Have attended many small group Bible Studies with them, and shared sweet fellowship with them over the years. He's been taken to the hospital today to rule out stroke. It appears that it was slow developing. He was at a small group with other friends this morning, and they noticed that the side of his mouth and one eye was a bit droopy. I'm not sure how long symptoms progressed before it was deemed an issue that needed medical attention.


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