prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Praise the Lord, I can already feel the benefits of clearing this toxin out of my system. During the day I have more energy and clarity of thought, and the constant, low-grade headache is all but gone. I also wake up with no hangover so that's nice. Last night I did take a half dose so I could get some sleep after two nights without taking any. The pharmacist had suggested a weaning program rather than going cold-turkey but had said it was totally up to me. Tonight I'll go without again. By His grace I'll get there! He is my strength!

Keep at it. Ask for strength and guidance through this and the LORD will provide.

He is my refuge and strength, my fortress and shield! I am not taking anything tonight, snd am relaxed and calm. Even if I don't sleep, or if I sleep only a little, I will rest and be okay. Faith is the victory!
Had a good night and a good day, thank You, Jesus! The mental fog is lifting. I know I was right to stop taking this drug and will continue to improve. I don't think I will need it any more. Much easier than quitting smoking, hallelujah! 😀 Everyone have a good day, I will most likely see y'all after sunset tomorrow.
Praise the Lord, I can already feel the benefits of clearing this toxin out of my system. During the day I have more energy and clarity of thought, and the constant, low-grade headache is all but gone. I also wake up with no hangover so that's nice. Last night I did take a half dose so I could get some sleep after two nights without taking any. The pharmacist had suggested a weaning program rather than going cold-turkey but had said it was totally up to me. Tonight I'll go without again. By His grace I'll get there! He is my strength!

Isn’t He wonderful, wonderful,wonderful?
Isn’t Jesus my Lord wonderful?
Eyes have seen, ears have heard
What’s recorded in God’s word.
Isn’t Jesus my Lord wonderful?

Praise Jesus!
Isn’t He wonderful, wonderful,wonderful?
Isn’t Jesus my Lord wonderful?
Eyes have seen, ears have heard
What’s recorded in God’s word.
Isn’t Jesus my Lord wonderful?

Praise Jesus!

Yes He is! Even so, Come quickly, Lord Jesus! I can't wait to see His face! 💖💖💖
Is anyone out there back to a live in-person service? Our church is shooting for a 6/21 re-opening, but our county still has not given any word on church re-openings.
Found him/her/whatever.. is not accepted by family. And they can all *** Jesus ****. I love the love. Love is good. I love that someone showed me the love of JC/God/Allah whatever.
Love is good.

I want you all to feel the love too. genuine hug.
Is anyone out there back to a live in-person service? Our church is shooting for a 6/21 re-opening, but our county still has not given any word on church re-openings.

Our church is, but our family of 4 is not attending. Ours is a very small, elderly church; attendance before Covid-19 was about 12-14 members. Now I've been told it's 7-10 or so including new pastor, wife and baby. We know we are missed, but the safety of our family is important to us. In our county, I have been told churches of other denominations are also having services, but that they are social distancing between family groups. As a family, we now worship at home, downloading sermons from 3ABN on YouTube, studying the Bible, reading religious literature and stories, playing Bible games and taking nature hikes, weather permitting. Sabbath is a special day to us.

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