prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Hey, everyone, could you please be praying for my friend, @H-B-O? They have been going through some really unimaginably hard things recently, and just please pray that they will know that God is with them during this difficult time, and that the LORD has not forsaken them, but is rather holding their hand and helping them to get through this. Thank you. ❤️
Thank you Star! :hugs
Hey, everyone, could you please be praying for my friend, @H-B-O? They have been going through some really unimaginably hard things recently, and just please pray that they will know that God is with them during this difficult time, and that the LORD has not forsaken them, but is rather holding their hand and helping them to get through this. Thank you. ❤️
Prayer request-

Last week we moved 6 young heifers to the neighbor's pasture for the summer. Yesterday during church, my dad got a text from the neighbor saying that Bertha was dead. I wasn't expecting that, but strange and unexplained deaths happen. Plus, her mom isn't a stellar cow, and she was on my list of heifers to go anyway.

Tonight after milking, I walked outside and picked up on a conversation. My brother had gone to my neighbor's, and another heifer was dead! We have a couple of suspicions as to what is going on- 1: remaining 'stuff' from the spray used along the fence line is harming them, or something growing in the pasture is harming them.

Anyway, the remaining 4 are locked on the concrete lot with food and water. We plan on bringing them home soon.

God is in control. Please pray that the other 4 will be okay, and for me. Thanks.
Gracie, the one found dead today. God is in control.

Gracie, the one found dead today. God is in control.

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Dottie, I am sorry for your losses and I admire your faith. Gracie was a beautiful animal! May the Lord reveal the mystery of the deaths and preserve the remaining cattle; may He also restore that which was lost to you double! Peace to you in Jesus' nsme, Amen.
Hey, everyone, could you please be praying for my friend, @H-B-O? They have been going through some really unimaginably hard things recently, and just please pray that they will know that God is with them during this difficult time, and that the LORD has not forsaken them, but is rather holding their hand and helping them to get through this. Thank you. ❤️
Hi, @H-B-O I want to share with you from my devotions with my DH tonight, in my own words if that's all right. It's based on the gospel of John 11, when Lazarus dies. His sisters, Marta and Mary speak with Jesus when He finally shows up,vg4 days after the funeral. They say, "Lord, if you had been here, our brother would not have died." What's implied here is. "Why didn't You come when we called? Now it's too late. Our brother is dead." They expressed belief in a future resurrection, but that seemed far in the future. Pie in the sky, by and by. They were hurting NOW.

But Jesus had a plan. A plan that would bring glory to God and great joy to them. It would also solidify His claim to be Who He claimed to be: the Messiah, the Son of the living God.

God has a plan fof your life, too. I don't know what it is. But I do know that if you trust Him, He will work out something wonderful in your life, just as He did by raising Lazarus from the grave. Don't give up! Be of good courage! Hold fast to your faith! Trust God, He is holding fast to you!
Hi, @H-B-O I want to share with you from my devotions with my DH tonight, in my own words if that's all right. It's based on the gospel of John 11, when Lazarus dies. His sisters, Marta and Mary speak with Jesus when He finally shows up,vg4 days after the funeral. They say, "Lord, if you had been here, our brother would not have died." What's implied here is. "Why didn't You come when we called? Now it's too late. Our brother is dead." They expressed belief in a future resurrection, but that seemed far in the future. Pie in the sky, by and by. They were hurting NOW.

But Jesus had a plan. A plan that would bring glory to God and great joy to them. It would also solidify His claim to be Who He claimed to be: the Messiah, the Son of the living God.

God has a plan fof your life, too. I don't know what it is. But I do know that if you trust Him, He will work out something wonderful in your life, just as He did by raising Lazarus from the grave. Don't give up! Be of good courage! Hold fast to your faith! Trust God, He is holding fast to you!
I needed that. Thanks @BigBlueHen53.
I love you and this thread!!! God loves you, anyone who sees this, and anyone who doesn't see this!! Never forget His love!! Spread the word and evangelize just like He wants!!! Try to love Him as much as He loves you and never lose sight of what truly matters! GOD LOVES YOU NO MATTER WHAT!!!
I love you and this thread!!! God loves you, anyone who sees this, and anyone who doesn't see this!! Never forget His love!! Spread the word and evangelize just like He wants!!! Try to love Him as much as He loves you and never lose sight of what truly matters! GOD LOVES YOU NO MATTER WHAT!!!
Amen! And LOVE ONE ANOTHER! That's what the kingdom of God is all about! Can I get an Amen???

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