prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Prayer request-

Last week we moved 6 young heifers to the neighbor's pasture for the summer. Yesterday during church, my dad got a text from the neighbor saying that Bertha was dead. I wasn't expecting that, but strange and unexplained deaths happen. Plus, her mom isn't a stellar cow, and she was on my list of heifers to go anyway.

Tonight after milking, I walked outside and picked up on a conversation. My brother had gone to my neighbor's, and another heifer was dead! We have a couple of suspicions as to what is going on- 1: remaining 'stuff' from the spray used along the fence line is harming them, or something growing in the pasture is harming them.

Anyway, the remaining 4 are locked on the concrete lot with food and water. We plan on bringing them home soon.

God is in control. Please pray that the other 4 will be okay, and for me. Thanks.

I love you and this thread!!! God loves you, anyone who sees this, and anyone who doesn't see this!! Never forget His love!! Spread the word and evangelize just like He wants!!! Try to love Him as much as He loves you and never lose sight of what truly matters! GOD LOVES YOU NO MATTER WHAT!!!

One of the guys in another thread has an older employee who fell down some concrete steps recently and broke 5 ribs and his femur. He also had some internal bleeding and is in hospital. I don't know his name. I told our guy to let him know that there will be some folks here praying for his speedy recovery. He lives in South Dakota. I know I can count on you guys! 😊

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