prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Hello everyone, I just sow this old thread... I am from Bulgaria and I am a Christian and I am so glad there is such a thread. Tjere are less than 1% Christians in our country and I go to a very small church - 10-15 people.
Every now and then I see Bible quotes in people's signatures here and I always liked that. Congratulations for starting the thread and let's continue to help each other with prayers and encouragement...
Attaching a picture of my only Freezland hen couple 🙂 I bought the eggs from Freezland and these are the only survivors.
Yes, welcome! Your chickens are very pretty. I had never heard of Freezland chickens either, thank you for sharing them with us. My church worldwide is very large, but where we live and attend it is only a very small and ageing congregation. We had about 15 but since Covid we are down to about 9 or 10. I used to attend a church of over 100 in a large city. I am not sure which I prefer, lol! Our little church is very close. But we do not have as many activities. Oh well, this is where the Lord has put us for now so we shine for Him. Again, welcome to our prayer thread!
That's interesting. As a physician, perhaps he knew the people who were healed? 🤔
It's possible. I don't really know
Incidentally, Triplet, I am enjoying our dialog! I have been trying for some time to get some actual conversation going here about Bible topics. Thank you.
I am enjoying it too. I have limited knowledge of the Bible, I haven't even read it all yet. But I aide for PSR at my church and the gentlemen that teaches the 8th grade knows a lot about it and shared his info with the students. They study who the gospel writer is for the week. They weren't all that interested but I found it interesting
When you say we live in a geocentric model, do you mean that Earth is at the center of the universe?

And when you say the moon has its own light, what is its light source? The moon has no heat, it only reflects the light of the sun. That's why it appears to change shape every night. The shadow of the Earth falls between it and the Sun.
God created earth first before sun. He made the sun and moon for us. The sky is our living calendar. Every season stars change position example and planting harvesting crops in old times, navigation at sea. All is by design. What we are taught is the ground we spinning on spins 1000 miles or 1,500km an hour around a humongous burning ball for gas aimlessly through "space" in a quote " expanding" universe. Paganism has always been sun moon stars worship. God finished creation on the 6 day said it was " very good". Earth was before sun, it all completely destroys evolution. Even though common sense destroys it too.. Biblical cosmology it's very interesting to look at if your not scared to go against the world veiw narrative Theres A Lot verses about it, take it literally though. KJV is good, get dictionary Strongs concordance out

Oww and people test moonlight with temperature 🌡️ experiments on YouTube. It does vary from a shadow
We live in a geocentric model not heliocentric.

God will be the light in new heaven earth.

Sun moon are governing lights.. moon has it's own light. Investigate what we was educated in school.lots of propaganda
I was taught the moon reflects the sun. (And that we should be like the moon - and reflect the Son. 😊 )

@BesideStillWaters Good morning! I can't get my phone to c&p the section I want out of your post above, about the fact that the sun and moon were not created until Day Four, although there was light on Day One. How is this possible? Well, as @JesusisGod pointed out, God Himself will be the light source in the new earth (Rev. 21:23 and 22:5)* and as Jesus Himself said in both John 8:12 and John 9:5, "I am the light of the world." Where God is, there us no darkness.

James 1:17 KJV
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

God is not dependent on our sun and moon for light. He is Light.

Does this answer your question?

*Edited, oops, corrected reference
I will look into this. I have read that God will be the Light; just read that last week in Revelation, actually, for Bible study.

I 100% agree with God being the father of Lights, no darkness is found in Him, all that. The reason I didn't think the light spoken of here is Jesus or the full Godhead is because on day one, God said let there be light - so God created light. God didn't create Himself, and Jesus wasn't created. Does that make sense?
It's possible. I don't really know

I am enjoying it too. I have limited knowledge of the Bible, I haven't even read it all yet. But I aide for PSR at my church and the gentlemen that teaches the 8th grade knows a lot about it and shared his info with the students. They study who the gospel writer is for the week. They weren't all that interested but I found it interesting
I have read it all many times, but I still do not understand it all! 🤣

It really is a special book.
Hello everyone, I just sow this old thread... I am from Bulgaria and I am a Christian and I am so glad there is such a thread. Tjere are less than 1% Christians in our country and I go to a very small church - 10-15 people.
Every now and then I see Bible quotes in people's signatures here and I always liked that. Congratulations for starting the thread and let's continue to help each other with prayers and encouragement...
Attaching a picture of my only Freezland hen couple 🙂 I bought the eggs from Freezland and these are the only survivors.

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