prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

A little humor..
Cynthia, it's been ages! Welcome back! :hugs
I know right? I've had a tough year. Well most have..that last year! My sister passed last year in May here at home. This year my husband passed away in the same at home.. in May also. Hardest thing ever to lose my eternal companion. I miss him so much.
I know right? I've had a tough year. Well most have..that last year! My sister passed last year in May here at home. This year my husband passed away in the same at home.. in May also. Hardest thing ever to lose my eternal companion. I miss him so much.
I'm so sorry you had to go through this :hugs

God bless you ❤️
I know right? I've had a tough year. Well most have..that last year! My sister passed last year in May here at home. This year my husband passed away in the same month.. of May. Hardest thing ever to lose my eternal companion. I miss him so much.
Oh, no, I'm so sorry. :hugs I hope that you're doing well, considering, and I pray that you will be blessed with much peace.
I know right? I've had a tough year. Well most have..that last year! My sister passed last year in May here at home. This year my husband passed away in the same at home.. in May also. Hardest thing ever to lose my eternal companion. I miss him so much.
:hugs I can't imagine how hard it was to go through that.
It's possible. I don't really know

I am enjoying it too. I have limited knowledge of the Bible, I haven't even read it all yet. But I aide for PSR at my church and the gentlemen that teaches the 8th grade knows a lot about it and shared his info with the students. They study who the gospel writer is for the week. They weren't all that interested but I found it interesting

I'm not sure I have read "all" the Bible myself either. I know I have not started at Genesis and read it straight through to Revelation. I keep intending to but I have this difficulty focusing, lol. 🙄 I probably have, but just not in a straight line.

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