prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Sure has been a tough week. Thank you for the prayers! This getting older is hard in many different ways. Seeing loved ones pass before you I would say is the hardest. In 2020 I lost a sister here at home, in 2021, in the exact month, I lost my husband here at home. Now in 2022 I lose another sister. At least it was fast. She just said she didn't feel well, which she hadn't for years really, but she knew she needed help. An Ambulance was called, she passed on the way to the hospital. That's two siblings of the 5 of us. I have another sister and a brother still here. I'm the oldest. I am feeling the Savior's love for sure. Thank you for that beautiful prayer Stephanie.
Pain. Sorrow. Anger. Numbness. These are all natural feelings we have when we are coping with the loss of a loved one. None of these feelings are wrong or faithless. These emotions come with being human.
To every thing there is a season,.. the Bible explains. ..A time to be born, and a time to die … a time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance. (Ecclesiastes 3:1–2, 4). Knowing that death and grieving are necessary may not soften our pain, but it can help make us feel better in its season. Grief is not a weakness, an imperfection, or a sign of wrongdoing. It is a necessary part of mortality.
God knows we will experience grief in this life, but we're not meant to go through it alone. He wants us to seek comfort. Blessed are they that mourn,.. Jesus taught.. for they shall be comforted... (Matthew 5:4). Relying on God and others can relieve our sorrow and give us support. That's what I'm doing. Thank you friends for your prayers. I feel them. 💞
Sure has been a tough week. Thank you for the prayers! This getting older is hard in many different ways. Seeing loved ones pass before you I would say is the hardest. In 2020 I lost a sister here at home, in 2021, in the exact month, I lost my husband here at home. Now in 2022 I lose another sister. At least it was fast. She just said she didn't feel well, which she hadn't for years really, but she knew she needed help. An Ambulance was called, she passed on the way to the hospital. That's two siblings of the 5 of us. I have another sister and a brother still here. I'm the oldest. I am feeling the Savior's love for sure. Thank you for that beautiful prayer Stephanie.
Pain. Sorrow. Anger. Numbness. These are all natural feelings we have when we are coping with the loss of a loved one. None of these feelings are wrong or faithless. These emotions come with being human.
To every thing there is a season,.. the Bible explains. ..A time to be born, and a time to die … a time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance. (Ecclesiastes 3:1–2, 4). Knowing that death and grieving are necessary may not soften our pain, but it can help make us feel better in its season. Grief is not a weakness, an imperfection, or a sign of wrongdoing. It is a necessary part of mortality.
God knows we will experience grief in this life, but we're not meant to go through it alone. He wants us to seek comfort. Blessed are they that mourn,.. Jesus taught.. for they shall be comforted... (Matthew 5:4). Relying on God and others can relieve our sorrow and give us support. That's what I'm doing. Thank you friends for your prayers. I feel them. 💞
I can't imagine what you're going through, Cynthia :hugs :hugs
I'm praying for you and your family!
It's just everywhere, right now. My entire family, except for one son, currently has Covid. I'm glad your priest is feeling OK. Hopefully you can return to services, soon
Yeah, one of my sisters had Covid, Star (my twin) has symptoms, but hasn't gotten the results back. She had to go to the ER because when we called about pressure in her chest, they were worried her heart was inflamed (luckily it wasn't)
Vaccinated individuals can still carry and transmit the disease, and have been known to have breakthrough cases, according to the so-called medical advice professional.
My whole family is vaccinated, and yes, we know we can transmit covid (and as said above, we do have some cases in our family) but I personally think that the vaccine, if you do get covid, helps to keep symptoms less severe.
Huey the foster kitty’s test just came back negative for Addison’s! This also means we are making plans to meet his potential adopter! If all goes well this means 2 out of the 4 will have homes by the end of next week! We’re also hoping to find a adopter for the other older cat this weekend but either way he won’t come home since we’ve decided to let him stay at the rescues big house should he not find a home tomorrow.
Happy to hear, Art, thanks for the update! Thank you and your team for caring for these helpless little ones! ❤️
Thank you my friend. it means the world to me :hugs
Sweater, are you at home already? We do wish you a speedy and uneventful recovery and are keeping you in our prayers. Don't let the pain meds deceive you into thinking you can resume your normal activities! Let your body rest and heal, and let others do household chores for a while. Take care of yourself!
Sweater, are you at home already? We do wish you a speedy and uneventful recovery and are keeping you in our prayers. Don't let the pain meds deceive you into thinking you can resume your normal activities! Let your body rest and heal, and let others do household chores for a while. Take care of yourself!
I’m not home. And sadly it may be delayed. My pain just spiked and nothing but morphine would help. I’m really confused.. everything had been going so well and I haven’t really had any pain almost all day. My doctors said I could probably go home Monday but now that’ll probably be pushed back.. I’m heartbroken.
I’m not home. And sadly it may be delayed. My pain just spiked and nothing but morphine would help. I’m really confused.. everything had been going so well and I haven’t really had any pain almost all day. My doctors said I could probably go home Monday but now that’ll probably be pushed back.. I’m heartbroken.
Sure has been a tough week. Thank you for the prayers! This getting older is hard in many different ways. Seeing loved ones pass before you I would say is the hardest. In 2020 I lost a sister here at home, in 2021, in the exact month, I lost my husband here at home. Now in 2022 I lose another sister. At least it was fast. She just said she didn't feel well, which she hadn't for years really, but she knew she needed help. An Ambulance was called, she passed on the way to the hospital. That's two siblings of the 5 of us. I have another sister and a brother still here. I'm the oldest. I am feeling the Savior's love for sure. Thank you for that beautiful prayer Stephanie.
Pain. Sorrow. Anger. Numbness. These are all natural feelings we have when we are coping with the loss of a loved one. None of these feelings are wrong or faithless. These emotions come with being human.
To every thing there is a season,.. the Bible explains. ..A time to be born, and a time to die … a time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance. (Ecclesiastes 3:1–2, 4). Knowing that death and grieving are necessary may not soften our pain, but it can help make us feel better in its season. Grief is not a weakness, an imperfection, or a sign of wrongdoing. It is a necessary part of mortality.
God knows we will experience grief in this life, but we're not meant to go through it alone. He wants us to seek comfort. Blessed are they that mourn,.. Jesus taught.. for they shall be comforted... (Matthew 5:4). Relying on God and others can relieve our sorrow and give us support. That's what I'm doing. Thank you friends for your prayers. I feel them. 💞
Thank you, Cynthia, that's beautiful and so wise! We are indeed entitled to our emotions. Jesus Himself wept at Lazarus's tomb, although He was about to raise him. He knows and understands our grief and our pain at the loss of our loved ones. He knows that death is an enemy! But He has defeated that enemy, and through our tears we can rejoice that the day is coming when that enemy will be destroyed and the graves will give up their dead in Christ. :hugs Until then, may you continue to feel the presence of Christ near to you, and we will be here for you as well. You are not alone!
I’m not home. And sadly it may be delayed. My pain just spiked and nothing but morphine would help. I’m really confused.. everything had been going so well and I haven’t really had any pain almost all day. My doctors said I could probably go home Monday but now that’ll probably be pushed back.. I’m heartbroken.
Just take it a day at a time and don't push yourself. Rest in Jesus. He is caring for you. ❤️ Our prayers for you continue.

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