prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Iā€™m not home. And sadly it may be delayed. My pain just spiked and nothing but morphine would help. Iā€™m really confused.. everything had been going so well and I havenā€™t really had any pain almost all day. My doctors said I could probably go home Monday but now thatā€™ll probably be pushed back.. Iā€™m heartbroken.
Happy to hear, Art, thanks for the update! Thank you and your team for caring for these helpless little ones! ā¤ļø
Huey went home with his new family today! The other two fosters Crackle and Dewy went to the adoption place yesterday where they will stay until they are adopted. Louie the last kitten will be staying here at least until he gets neutered. Iā€™m missing the little guys tonight and am sleeping on the couch in the kitten room with Louie and my cat.
Sure has been a tough week. Thank you for the prayers! This getting older is hard in many different ways. Seeing loved ones pass before you I would say is the hardest. In 2020 I lost a sister here at home, in 2021, in the exact month, I lost my husband here at home. Now in 2022 I lose another sister. At least it was fast. She just said she didn't feel well, which she hadn't for years really, but she knew she needed help. An Ambulance was called, she passed on the way to the hospital. That's two siblings of the 5 of us. I have another sister and a brother still here. I'm the oldest. I am feeling the Savior's love for sure. Thank you for that beautiful prayer Stephanie.
Pain. Sorrow. Anger. Numbness. These are all natural feelings we have when we are coping with the loss of a loved one. None of these feelings are wrong or faithless. These emotions come with being human.
To every thing there is a season,.. the Bible explains. ..A time to be born, and a time to die ā€¦ a time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance. (Ecclesiastes 3:1ā€“2, 4). Knowing that death and grieving are necessary may not soften our pain, but it can help make us feel better in its season. Grief is not a weakness, an imperfection, or a sign of wrongdoing. It is a necessary part of mortality.
God knows we will experience grief in this life, but we're not meant to go through it alone. He wants us to seek comfort. Blessed are they that mourn,.. Jesus taught.. for they shall be comforted... (Matthew 5:4). Relying on God and others can relieve our sorrow and give us support. That's what I'm doing. Thank you friends for your prayers. I feel them. šŸ’ž
Praying :hugs
Iā€™m not home. And sadly it may be delayed. My pain just spiked and nothing but morphine would help. Iā€™m really confused.. everything had been going so well and I havenā€™t really had any pain almost all day. My doctors said I could probably go home Monday but now thatā€™ll probably be pushed back.. Iā€™m heartbroken.
I'm sorry to hear that. Just know that there is many people praying for you. Be comforted that God knows all. He only gives us stuff that we can handle. I will continue to pray for comfort and healing of your body.

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