prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Always has been...always will be..clear back to Genesis to today. God is very patient. Very loving to have held back this long. I truly believe it won't be long until we see our Lord and Savior come again, as promised.
Amen, can't wait! Share the good news!
I need prayers again. Seems my woozy head is getting worse. Ended up in urgent care. Having some blood work done. Not that I expect anything helpful. But possibly. Sometimes my potassium is low, and I just need a boost..but..I've been taking my potassium ahem... religiously. Everyday. Will see. I've come so close to passing out that all I can pretty much do is sit or lay down. The worst day..a couple of days ago I laid down because it was so bad...woke up three hrs later. I'm going to post a couple of songs by GENTRI. Love them. This first one shows a little girl that I have the utmost respect for. What an example of strength and faith! .....
:hugsHope they get to the bottom of it, Sister! And hope you get to feeling better soon. We love you so much! You are a real asset to our BYC community and ESPECIALLY to our Prayer Warriors thread! ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
I could be wrong, Whitey, but I THINK when they post the link the video gets embedded. That's why some of us can see it. They are just trying to be helpful when they offer an explanation for why YOU can't see it. I don't think you intend to be rude, you aren't usually, but it kinda comes off that way.
I could be wrong, Whitey, but I THINK when they post the link the video gets embedded. That's why some of us can see it. They are just trying to be helpful when they offer an explanation for why YOU can't see it. I don't think you intend to be rude, you aren't usually, but it kinda comes off that way.
I know, but it’s ok :)
I need prayers again. Seems my woozy head is getting worse. Ended up in urgent care. Having some blood work done. Not that I expect anything helpful. But possibly. Sometimes my potassium is low, and I just need a boost..but..I've been taking my potassium ahem... religiously. Everyday. Will see. I've come so close to passing out that all I can pretty much do is sit or lay down. The worst day..a couple of days ago I laid down because it was so bad...woke up three hrs later. I'm going to post a couple of songs by GENTRI. Love them. This first one shows a little girl that I have the utmost respect for. What an example of strength and faith! .....

I'll pray and you make sure to have bananas at home. they really help with potassium.

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