prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

My BFF's brother had a stroke Saturday night and is not going to survive. The family is in need of prayers as they are having to make some difficult decisions on his behalf. My friend is in her 50's and I think the brother is a little younger but in very poor health. Prayers for guidance, courage and comfort are what is needed. Besides the sister, there are two more brothers and an elderly Dad, also in very poor health. They are Christians, which certainly helps. Mom passed away about two years ago. Thank you. ā¤ļø
Praying. šŸ’›
My BFF's brother had a stroke Saturday night and is not going to survive. The family is in need of prayers as they are having to make some difficult decisions on his behalf. My friend is in her 50's and I think the brother is a little younger but in very poor health. Prayers for guidance, courage and comfort are what is needed. Besides the sister, there are two more brothers and an elderly Dad, also in very poor health. They are Christians, which certainly helps. Mom passed away about two years ago. Thank you. ā¤ļø
alexandros is my friend I always ask to pray for. evangelos is another friend that has health issues due to his age (81).

btw, thank you for praying. evangelos is feeling better although his oxygen level is 85% only. he has been living with that for some time. the problem is when his oxygen drops below 80%.
Hi guys, I was wondering if you could pray for my puppy. Heā€™s going to surgery today and Iā€™m just super nervous about it. Thank you everyone! I love this thread :)
Praying! Whatā€™s the sweet puppyā€™s name? Whatā€™s the surgery? (Sorry, I love dogs and want to know everything!)
His name is Romeo. Itā€™s just a neuter but I get so nervous about anesthesia lol. Thank you so much!
What a sweet name!

Not sure if it helps, but vets do many spays and neuters daily. I definitely know it can be scary, but just remember that the chance of complications is very very low. (Although if you have a dog thatā€™s brachycephalic, then anesthesia can be a bit more risky)

Let us know how it goes!
I just saw this thread again! I was wondering if anyone went to an event called The Send?
I have never, have you?

Only conferences I have attended are Bethel conferences/Jesus Image conferences. Met lots of firm believers, those events are awesome. Decided not to go this year, due to some issues, but hope to attend again, someday.
His name is Romeo. Itā€™s just a neuter but I get so nervous about anesthesia lol. Thank you so much!
I was so worried when Kiki went under. If it helps at all, she was a little tipsy when she first came back, but pretty much normal the next day. Her personality is still exactly the same, and her incision healed rather quickly. The vet did give her an overdose of Carprofen though. And for a 8-9lb dog, apparently thatā€™s bad news. Other than that, it went exactly how I hoped it would. But obviously, she is a girl and Romeo is a boy, so the procedures are definitely different.

The other dog we got spayed is Snowball. Sheā€™s heavierā€¦.somewhere between 45-50lbs is my guess (Iā€™m not sure since she isnā€™t under my care). Same thing happened except she didnā€™t get too many anti-inflammatory pills. When she first came back, she was SO sluggish too. She did get better after that initial day though. Personal opinion, but I do think that neutering is a good idea. I can see how people may want to wait longer or spay females but keep intact males, but it can be risky. Definitely donā€™t want accidental pregnancies or runaways.

But yes, praying for you and Romeo! ā¤ļø

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