prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

I have a request.

A family friend has been in the hospital for nearly 1.5 weeks now with possible kidney and liver failure. He’s only in his 40s.

Please pray for him.
This man needs to know that Jesus died to give him eternal life. My prayer is that he lives long enough to accept Christ as his Savior.
Hmm. I thought of people put down earnest money they forfeited it if they backed out of the deal? Do you have a realtor or an attorney?

there has been a problem. I have to remodel bathroom due to the low changes. a year ago they accepted that I enlarged my bathroom for 2 sm (not a big deal). now they insist I put the wall back where it was. of course my evil neighbors are working hard. I am going to check with an attorney what I can do as in agreement we put the exact size of the house I am selling.
there has been a problem. I have to remodel bathroom due to the low changes. a year ago they accepted that I enlarged my bathroom for 2 sm (not a big deal). now they insist I put the wall back where it was. of course my evil neighbors are working hard. I am going to check with an attorney what I can do as in agreement we put the exact size of the house I am selling.
You speak about your evil neighbors. What kinds of problems are they causing? Are you praying for them?
I need some help please. Well, Brew does. He’s been coughing and gagging all day and night it’s gotten worse. He’s been vomiting from it too. We are going to the vet ASAP when they open but I would appreciate some prayers that it’s nothing serious and also that he feels better because we’re both miserable. I hate seeing my baby so sick and miserable and feeling so helpless 😭💔
This man needs to know that Jesus died to give him eternal life. My prayer is that he lives long enough to accept Christ as his Savior.
Amen, Steph.

They aren’t allowing visitors but we are communicating with his wife.

Please continue prayers.

(A correction about the situation: it’s not his kidneys and liver, it’s his heart and kidneys.)

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