prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Would you all mind praying for my kid? Has a pretty high fever. šŸ¤’šŸ˜¢
Heavenly Father, please lay Your healing hand upon the child of "AmeliaBedelia" (as we know her) and restore him to health according to Your loving divine will. We ask this with praise and thanksgiving in the mighty power of the name of Your Son Jesus, who gave His life for us, Amen.
Heavenly Father, please lay Your healing hand upon the child of "AmeliaBedelia" (as we know her) and restore him to health according to Your loving divine will. We ask this with praise and thanksgiving in the mighty power of the name of Your Son Jesus, who gave His life for us, Amen.
Thank you so much! (And also thanks to everyone else.) We did end up having to go see a doctor, but looks like it was a stomach bug presenting strangelyā€¦as pain and a high fever instead of nausea, etc. But doing better today and glad to rule out anything serious. Now just praying the bill is covered by insurance. And that my nausea today doesnā€™t get worse.

But I truly appreciate the prayers so much!
3 John 1:2 KJV
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

See, God knows your needs, even your financial ones! May all your needs be met, and may your nausea go away. Do you know what's causing it? Not a health-care professional by any means but sometimes what helps me is sipping on a cola, like Coke or Pepsi (which I otherwise never drink). Good l- never mind. The Lord doesn't need luck! Blessings to you!
I felt like things had ever so slowly been improving for my husband a little tiny bit at a time but this morning has been a struggle again.
The worst part about his health issues is that the doctors don't seem to know what's causing the "attacks" so they keep sending him to different specialists and he has to wait months for each appointment while we're sitting around being worried. Things have been up and down since he had two stents placed in his heart in October.

I would appreciate any continued prayers.

He's been to his cardiologist at least 10 times since October, his PCP several times, he's been to an endocrinologist, and now we're waiting for a GI doctor but he won't get to see them until the end of March. I can't help but continue to worry it has something to do with his heart considering the timing and that he had open heart surgery about 10 years ago. He has a bad track record...
I'm grateful for every day that I get to spend with him but nothing really stops that sick feeling in your gut when you're scared.
Praying your husband gets better, and sending lots of love your way. :hugs:hugs
Sorry for the mini vent session.
No need to apologize! You're not charging us by the word, lol. We care. We're here to listen and learn and above all, to love, and to lift one another up before the Lord in prayer and thanksgiving. Thankful that the Lord continues to bless your DH with life while waiting to hear from the doctors ... that, despite his issues, he is still with you! Thank You, Father, for that! We ask that you please strengthen our sister's faith so she may be at peace, knowing that You do all things well, and that her husband is in Your hands, the safest place He could possibly be. Comfort, courage, faith, strength and peace are all good gifts that You can give to her right now, Father, and we do ask that You would fill her up with these good gifts as we ask, for we ask for them in the precious name of Your Son Jesus, who told us to ask, and it shall be given. And we thank You and praise You for these good gifts, in Jesus' name, Amen.

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