prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Prayers...I feel very depressed and lots of anxiety lately. Friends leave me and nobody to talk to. Just really lonely and sad.
As we work through the challenges of mortality, it is important to not run faster than we have strength. By taking things a day at a time, and..when that is too much—an hour at a time, we gain power to conquer our fears. Read Scriptures that you know and that have brought joy to your heart/soul. Give thanks. Easier to get away from a down time when we count our blessings. I've also been down lately. Grief. So..I'm loving the Scriptures and giving thanks to Him for a lot that I have and enjoy at His hand. Our Father and His Son ..are your best friends..always. I'm guessing you will find a..better friend. Good friends don't leave you. Be grateful you can let them go, to find your best friend. ❤️
As we work through the challenges of mortality, it is important to not run faster than we have strength. By taking things a day at a time, and..when that is too much—an hour at a time, we gain power to conquer our fears. Read Scriptures that you know and that have brought joy to your heart/soul. Give thanks. Easier to get away from a down time when we count our blessings. I've also been down lately. Grief. So..I'm loving the Scriptures and giving thanks to Him for a lot that I have and enjoy at His hand. Our Father and His Son ..are your best friends..always. I'm guessing you will find a..better friend. Good friends don't leave you. Be grateful you can let them go, to find your best friend. ❤️
Thank you :hugs I've never had a friend that stays with me😔 I appreciate your prayers!
Keep your eyes on Jesus...u are never alone! Satan wants us to think we are!
But we are never!!!
God is oh so faithful!
So true! He has said He will never leave you nor forsake you. I love that one text where He asks, Can a mother forget her nursing baby? And then unbelievably He answers, yes, they can forget! Yet, He says, I will never forget you, for see, I have engraved you on the palms of My hands. Talk to Him, He is only a prayer away. :hugs
Thank you :hugs I've never had a friend that stays with me😔 I appreciate your prayers!
Maybe this will help:

Psalm 146:3,5 KJV
Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. [5] Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God:

Only God can be depended upon to always be there for you, no matter what. Make Him your Best Friend and you will never be alone. He is the Eternal One. He knew you before you were born, He knows all about you and He has a plan for your life. Nobody loves you like He does!
I've watched this thread from the background for a bit, such an amazing group of people! ❤️
Prayers...I feel very depressed and lots of anxiety lately. Friends leave me and nobody to talk to. Just really lonely and sad.
I feel a lot of anxiety about all sorts of things, especially this week. I always quote to myself Mark 5:36
"As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe."
Mainly that last part Be not afraid, only believe !
If you want you can talk with me :hugs

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