prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Did you know the words "Fear not" or "Be not afraid" appear 366 times in the Bible? So I've been told, I have not counted them myself. That's one for every day of the year, including leap year! Isn't that reassuring? God knows we have fears and anxieties, and He's there ahead of us. Oh, what a loving God we serve! :bow:love
Prayers needed for my DIL and son. They just lost their unborn baby and are devastated.
thank you in advance, my sisters and brothers in Him
Oh, so sorry to hear this! Give them lots and lots of :hugs
I lost my first pregnancy and it is devastating indeed. Fifty plus years later, thinking about it still brings tears to my eyes and an ache to my heart. 💔 All you can do is be there for them snd let them know you care. But ... this is your loss as well. I know that in the resurrection Jesus will make all things whole and dry every tear. This brings comfort to my heart, and I hope to yours as well.
Oh, so sorry to hear this! Give them lots and lots of :hugs
I lost my first pregnancy and it is devastating indeed. Fifty plus years later, thinking about it still brings tears to my eyes and an ache to my heart. 💔 All you can do is be there for them snd let them know you care. But ... this is your loss as well. I know that in the resurrection Jesus will make all things whole and dry every tear. This brings comfort to my heart, and I hope to yours as well.
Very well said again, I think you have a gift! I’m sorry for your loss as well, I can’t imagine the hurt, for a mama it’s the worst kind.
I know He works all things for good! My prayer is that this pain brings them (my son and DIL) closer to Him, in a REAL relationship! We’ve been asking them to go to church with us…but it’s in His hands. Our Father is the God of hope and restoration!
Thank you so much for your kind words, I can feel His comfort and His truth in them!💗
Philippians 4:13

1: Please pray for my knees. They’re in very bad shape. (Most likely) a meniscus tear in my left knee, and an ACL sprain in my right knee. It Makes Normal things such as walking a difficulty.

2: This isn’t really a request/question, but I thought I’d still put it in here. Everyone around me always seems to hate me and demoralize me so often, just cause I’m different, in many ways, from thought processes to mental health, to just how I live my life. Wether it be on BYC or IRL, I just seem like I can’t escape these people. So yeah, all in all, I guess my request here is just for these people to stop and realize what they’re doing to me :hmm

1: Please pray for my knees. They’re in very bad shape. (Most likely) a meniscus tear in my left knee, and an ACL sprain in my right knee. It Makes Normal things such as walking a difficulty.

2: This isn’t really a request/question, but I thought I’d still put it in here. Everyone around me always seems to hate me and demoralize me so often, just cause I’m different, in many ways, from thought processes to mental health, to just how I live my life. Wether it be on BYC or IRL, I just seem like I can’t escape these people. So yeah, all in all, I guess my request here is just for these people to stop and realize what they’re doing to me :hmm
:hugs Ouch, Whitey! Sorry your knees are bothering you. My prayer is that you will soon get the care you need to restore your knees to health.

As for your #2 request. My prayer is that God will give you the courage to accept yourself as the wonderful, special, unique person that God created you to be, in spite of the fact that not everybody around you can appreciate you as you are. Are you familiar with the Serenity Prayer?

"God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change (other people), Courage to change the things I can (myself), and the Wisdom to know the difference."

If it helps, you should know that about 99.9% of young people feel exactly the same way you do. I remember feeling the same way myself. A total misfit, a fish out of water, always saying the wrong thing, having two left feet, tripping over myself, etc. It's called puberty, adolescence, youthful insecurity, a lot of things ... the good news is, you will not only survive it but you will outgrow it. To me it just proves that God has kind of a twisted sense of humor. The good thing that comes out of it is that we develop compassion from it and also a sense of humility, and we all need a little of that.

Meanwhile, forgive your tormentors as Jesus forgave His, "for they know not what they are doing." God will give you grace, and again, Phil. 4:13 will get you through. ❤️
:hugs Ouch, Whitey! Sorry your knees are bothering you. My prayer is that you will soon get the care you need to restore your knees to health.

As for your #2 request. My prayer is that God will give you the courage to accept yourself as the wonderful, special, unique person that God created you to be, in spite of the fact that not everybody around you can appreciate you as you are. Are you familiar with the Serenity Prayer?

"God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change (other people), Courage to change the things I can (myself), and the Wisdom to know the difference."

If it helps, you should know that about 99.9% of young people feel exactly the same way you do. I remember feeling the same way myself. A total misfit, a fish out of water, always saying the wrong thing, having two left feet, tripping over myself, etc. It's called puberty, adolescence, youthful insecurity, a lot of things ... the good news is, you will not only survive it but you will outgrow it. To me it just proves that God has kind of a twisted sense of humor. The good thing that comes out of it is that we develop compassion from it and also a sense of humility, and we all need a little of that.

Meanwhile, forgive your tormentors as Jesus forgave His, "for they know not what they are doing." God will give you grace, and again, Phil. 4:13 will get you through. ❤️
@The-White-Elephant I wholeheartedly agree with all of this! Very thoughtful, well written, wise and true.
I think many of us have been there, we think we’re the odd ball and the enemy loves to take this lie and isolate us. But you’re never alone, never, could go to the darkest place and HE would still be with you!
First, thank you all for the prayers and concerns. I really appreciate that, and I have felt better the last day or 2

Second, a few requests
1. At my youth group one of the girls cousins has leukemia..they are only 2 years old... prayers for them to be healed would be appreciated.

2. Prayers that I can continue on the good path, Reading my Bible, praying, ect.

3. Prayers I do well on my upcoming school testing, I have to do a P.E.R.T test so I can hopefully do dual enrollment, I'm super stressed about it.

Thank you so much!!

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