prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

@The-White-Elephant I wholeheartedly agree with all of this! Very thoughtful, well written, wise and true.
I think many of us have been there, we think we’re the odd ball and the enemy loves to take this lie and isolate us. But you’re never alone, never, could go to the darkest place and HE would still be with you!

1: Please pray for my knees. They’re in very bad shape. (Most likely) a meniscus tear in my left knee, and an ACL sprain in my right knee. It Makes Normal things such as walking a difficulty.

2: This isn’t really a request/question, but I thought I’d still put it in here. Everyone around me always seems to hate me and demoralize me so often, just cause I’m different, in many ways, from thought processes to mental health, to just how I live my life. Wether it be on BYC or IRL, I just seem like I can’t escape these people. So yeah, all in all, I guess my request here is just for these people to stop and realize what they’re doing to me :hmm

***Sister, I have a song you need to hear. It’s by an obscure artist/ poet called Strahan, the song is Never Alone. It is beautifully written and oh so true. Please find it on iTunes, Spotify, however you can find it.***
First, thank you all for the prayers and concerns. I really appreciate that, and I have felt better the last day or 2

Second, a few requests
1. At my youth group one of the girls cousins has leukemia..they are only 2 years old... prayers for them to be healed would be appreciated.

2. Prayers that I can continue on the good path, Reading my Bible, praying, ect.

3. Prayers I do well on my upcoming school testing, I have to do a P.E.R.T test so I can hopefully do dual enrollment, I'm super stressed about it.

Thank you so much!!
:hugs 1. Definitely praying for the child with leukemia. That blood cancer has affected my family quite a bit. Please keep us posted as to their treatments and recovery, etc. This will be very close to my heart! ❤️ 2. Stay close to Jesus and He will guide you in all your ways. 3. Don't stress, trust the Lord, He has plans for your life. If dual enrollment is best for you, He will work it out. Let Him be your Guide. Blessings to you!
:hugs 1. Definitely praying for the child with leukemia. That blood cancer has affected my family quite a bit. Please keep us posted as to their treatments and recovery, etc. This will be very close to my heart! ❤️ 2. Stay close to Jesus and He will guide you in all your ways. 3. Don't stress, trust the Lord, He has plans for your life. If dual enrollment is best for you, He will work it out. Let Him be your Guide. Blessings to you!
Thank you!!

1: Please pray for my knees. They’re in very bad shape. (Most likely) a meniscus tear in my left knee, and an ACL sprain in my right knee. It Makes Normal things such as walking a difficulty.

2: This isn’t really a request/question, but I thought I’d still put it in here. Everyone around me always seems to hate me and demoralize me so often, just cause I’m different, in many ways, from thought processes to mental health, to just how I live my life. Wether it be on BYC or IRL, I just seem like I can’t escape these people. So yeah, all in all, I guess my request here is just for these people to stop and realize what they’re doing to me :hmm
Jesus valued friendship. He needed the help and support of others (as we all do!) to fulfill His earthly ministry, but instead of waiting for the right people to show up at His door, He went out and found them! He went to places He might not normally go (see Luke 5:3–10), He walked around (see Mark 1:16; John 1:36), and He even invited people to come and see where He lived (see John 1:39). We may not need friends for the same reasons the Savior did, but it’s still important for us to surround ourselves with good people. If you’re in a stage of life where you find yourself needing friends, seek them out. Participate in church and other activities, introduce yourself, try new things, host a get-together, minister sincerely (whoever you minister to probably needs a friend too!), and you will find yourself more and more surrounded by potential friends. You never know! Another thing to try and think of..sometimes when reading posts, the actual meaning may not come across the way they want. Make sense?
Jesus valued friendship. He needed the help and support of others (as we all do!) to fulfill His earthly ministry, but instead of waiting for the right people to show up at His door, He went out and found them! He went to places He might not normally go (see Luke 5:3–10), He walked around (see Mark 1:16; John 1:36), and He even invited people to come and see where He lived (see John 1:39). We may not need friends for the same reasons the Savior did, but it’s still important for us to surround ourselves with good people. If you’re in a stage of life where you find yourself needing friends, seek them out. Participate in church and other activities, introduce yourself, try new things, host a get-together, minister sincerely (whoever you minister to probably needs a friend too!), and you will find yourself more and more surrounded by potential friends. You never know! Another thing to try and think of..sometimes when reading posts, the actual meaning may not come across the way they want. Make sense?
Whitey, see @cynthia's post above? See the little up arrow next to her name? If you tap that, it will take you up to her original post. In another thread, somebody answered a question you asked, but she did not include your question, so you were puzzled because you did not realize she was answering your question. If you had tapped that up arrow, I think it would have taken you to the question you had asked and made sense to you. Many texts had come between your question (what is YMMV?) and her answer (Your Mileage May Vary), which basically means, this was that poster's experience but yours may be different. Hope this helps.
Whitey, see @cynthia's post above? See the little up arrow next to her name? If you tap that, it will take you up to her original post. In another thread, somebody answered a question you asked, but she did not include your question, so you were puzzled because you did not realize she was answering your question. If you had tapped that up arrow, I think it would have taken you to the question you had asked and made sense to you. Many texts had come between your question (what is YMMV?) and her answer (Your Mileage May Vary), which basically means, this was that poster's experience but yours may be different. Hope this helps.
@The-White-Elephant, this was intended for you. Not sure if you saw it.

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