prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

I am not sure that having stockpiles of food is going to help in time of trouble. I see people displaced due to earthquakes, fires, floods, volcanoes, wars, tornadoes - and any stockpiles they may have are completely lost to them. The Lord who fed His people with manna and brought water from a rock is not without resources for His people in the last days. What we need to stock up on is to hide His Word in our hearts lest we be like the foolish virgins whose lamps go out due to lack of the oil of the Holy Spirit when we need it.
Please pray for my husband, his dementia seems to suddenly be progressing (getting worse). This evening he couldn't remember which side of the bed he usually sleeps on.
Dementia is a horrible thing. We drive an elderly lady to church. Last week and again today she became distressed bc she was sure she had left a 3-yo grandchild at home alone. Believe me, none of her relatives would entrust a child to her care. I assured her the only one at home was her little dog and he could take care of himself. It took a bit, but she was comforted. This too is a sudden deterioration on her part. Is your husband getting enough water to drink? Keeping hydrated is very important and helpful. Our friend lives alone but we're starting to think she shouldn't.
Please pray for my husband, his dementia seems to suddenly be progressing (getting worse). This evening he couldn't remember which side of the bed he usually sleeps on.

praying. watch him. my father had dementia and a few times he got out at night. luckily he had a cell phone so people who understood he had got lost just called the last dialed number.

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