prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Well, welcome once again, very nice to meet you! May God bless your journey. Your story is fascinating to me, because I recently met a youngish man whose story is very similar to yours! He was here the other day servicing my A/C and like you, he was raised Baptist but has recently converted to Oryhodoxy along with his wife! How amazing is that. I guess Orthodoxy is "having a moment." 😊
I used to be First Baptist. :)
Coming to say thank you for the prayers. Prayer is amazing isn't it? Oh the power of prayer! My knee is not going to need full replacement right now, going in for a scoping on the 28th to clean up some ripped and torn meniscus. Now I'll need prayers that it will give me some comfort because there is no promise that it will. I think the drs have to let folks know that this is something to consider whether it be shoulder, knee, hips, really anything. I saw the MRI and I can see what's up. Doesn't look good. I'll rely on my Savior and put forth my best effort to exercise faith in the prayers and His will. My hand is also needing surgery. I now have a different diagnosis on that hand. We have a lot of ups and downs in life. The older we get it seems the more we realize just how many! lol, I can chuckle. There are lessons to be learned though during our difficulties. I've found that there is still plenty of joyful moments to experience while going through them. Another thing we can achieve through them is compassion. When we see someone else going through something that we have, we can truly feel compassion and understanding for that person. Thank you all for being who you are. True followers of Christ and having that charity ~ Christ like love within you. Love you! 💗
Continued prayers please. Things may be happening. I'm not entirely sure because it feels  so slow.
Things are always happening, Daff. And our heavenly Father even promises that those things are always, always, ALWAYS working together for our good, if we love Him. Romans 8:28, I believe. So fear not, you can trust Him. :hugs
I want you to know that I pray for those in this thread. I may not know of them at the time, but God does when I mention the thread and those in here needing Him. He knows ~ you. :)
That's how I pray too, Cynthia. I may not remember every single prayer request every single day, but I know our heavenly Father does! The high priest in Israel had a breastplate he wore, with colored stones on it. Each stone represented one of the twelve tribes of Israel. This represented how Jesus, our High Priest, carries each one of us on His heart, and He knows each of our needs, our concerns, our cares, always on His heart. So when I pray for those in this thread who have made their needs and requests known, I remind Him of each of you and ask Him to bless each one, for He never forgets! I will see if I can find a picture and add it here.


I hope this works. I had to c&p this pic, it does not have a proper extension like .jpg, .png, etc.
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From another thread, a prayer request:
Cassidy has terminal kidney disease, needs a living donor soon.

Heavenly Father, may Cassidy prosper and be in health, even as their soul prospers. May they walk in health and truth, that their life may give You joy and be glory to You, I pray in the precious name of Jesus, our Saviour.

3 John 1:2 NKJV
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.
3 John 1:3 NKJV
For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth.
3 John 1:4 NKJV
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

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