prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

@Wyorp Rock I pray for God's peace to carry you through as you say goodbye to your Dad, It was very hard for me when my Dad passed away, he was living here with me the last year of his life on this earth. that was 18 years ago (I cant believe its been so long) I hope to see him when I get to heaven - what a day of rejoicing it will be! when we all see Jesus - we'll sing and shout the victory!
I'm good.

As @Jenbirdee says, count your blessings.
There are blessings when things are going just fine and blessings when things are not so bright too.
There is always something to be thankful for, if we look hard enough.

Dad is declining. I don't know how many more days, weeks or (?) he will be with us. Hospice has been called in, so time is getting short unless he rallies.
Praying you will feel of our Lord and Saviors gracious compassion as He knows full well of your trials at this time. Hospice is a wonderful organization. He will go in peace.

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