Prayers for my pregnant sister! UPDATE! Baby born!


Sparkle Magnet
May 6, 2009
Akron, Ohio
A few months ago, I posted about my pregnant sister. Well, we are weeks away from her due date, and she has a massive ovarian cyst that is causing equally massive pain. The cyst is pressing on the baby, so she is being induced early, in 10 days. She will be 39 weeks along, though the baby is small. There is a risk of respiratory, digestive, and mental issues if she goes early, but the doctor won't risk holding on too long in case the cyst bursts. So please, PLEASE, pray for a very healthy baby!!! This is my niece, my goddaughter, and I'll be a primary caregiver while my (unmarried) sis is at work. Thank you! :)
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Hope all goes well but I'm a little confused. I had mine at 37 weeks due to problems and that wasn't even considered premature. Seems very strange with all the complications they would make her wait till 39 weeks and at 39 weeks its basically full term so shouldn't be any complications due to being early??
Hope all goes well but I'm a little confused. I had mine at 37 weeks due to problems and that wasn't even considered premature. Seems very strange with all the complications they would make her wait till 39 weeks and at 39 weeks its basically full term so shouldn't be any complications due to being early??

Well, baby is very small, only about 5 pounds. Maybe that won't make too much of a difference, but since both parents are over 6ft tall, and everyone in my family has weighed at least 8 pounds at birth, my sister is really worried.
See that seems strange too, if small babies are not the norm you would also think they would bring delivery forward as it may not be getting enough from placenta not delay till almost the last minute. Is she seeing a specialist? Know its probably too late in it all but I'd be wanting a second opinion because her dr seems to be doing the opposite of what I would expect.
Guessing a baby's weight before birth is a very inexact science. Even with ultrasound, a baby can be bigger or smaller than what drs predict. I've heard of babies that were predicted to be 10 lbs or more come out at only 6 lbs or so. If she's full term, and 39 weeks is that, her baby most likely will be born at a good weight. Keeping your sister in my prayers.
Oh, Tani, what a worry for your family. Praying that all will be well for your sister and her daughter.
Any update Tani? Those doubters out there, the OP is along time member and not prone to "stories". If she says there is an issue, there is an issue. Tani, my prayers are with your sister.
Any update Tani?  Those doubters out there, the OP is along time member and not prone to "stories".  If she says there is an issue, there is an issue.  Tani, my prayers are with your sister.

I assume you are referring to me? Thanks for misreading my intent. My doubts lie with the competence of her doctor.
The doctor is one of the best in the city. If she's worried, theres a reason to be.

Zoe is pretty freaked out, but, as you guys have been saying, there probably won't be anything wrong. Her baby shower is today, so she'll definitely be getting any last knicknacks that she's missing. :)

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