Prayers needed for a bad time in life

I will be thinking of you & your family -
you have our support !~
Oh my, I will be lifting you and your children and your husband up in prayer. The Lord is right there with you and your children. He cares for you more than you can understand. Through all of this keep your eyes on Him. Please, please let us know how you are doing through all of this, we care for you.
Our prayers are with you for peace and the strength of the Lord. May you know the healing of body and soul. May you be able to place the burdens of each day at the Lord's feet.

Lord, touch the heart of this husband to return to you and have a heart for his wife and children.
:hugsPrayers said for you and your doctors. Prayers said for your speedy recovery. Prayers said for the healing of your family! God bless you and yours! Theresa
Oh Jennifer, I am so sorry you have to deal with this. The wreck and medical issues is bad enough, but to have to deal with such a betrayal from your spouse and friend is just awful! I am praying for you and your family. I am separated myself from my husband of 22 years for the same thing (except the other woman was a coworker of his). This was 10 years ago and we stayed together for the kids, but it was never the same. I don't regret taking him back because I think kids are better off with both parents (except in cases of abuse of course), but now I want to be free of him. I can't ever believe anything he says and I am choosing to change my life. I am just saying this to let you know that you can make it! Do what you have to do to get your health back and take care of your kids. That may mean taking him back, but it may mean being on your will depend on your husband. Whatever happens, know that there are people who will pray for you. Seek moral support from your friends and fellow church members and family. You are strong and will get through this, but it will take time and work. God bless you honey, I wish I was closer to help you.
Thank you all for the prayers and kind words of support. This is a learning process for me. The biggest thing for me is to get past this surgery and begin to rebuild my life. I agree with you chickenlady (I cant say old, just the way my mum raised me) about taking him back just for the kids. I forgive him but I dont think I would ever trust him again and you cant be happy when you cant trust your partner.

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