Praying Mantis Thread

I came home to find that Aina just molted. I just missed Aina's molt!



Great news everyone!
Your probably wondering hmm, will the picture now stop being blurry, well the answer is no. Until they get even bigger or I get a phone that costs more than $30!
Yes, they molted just last night! They are now L4 and are growing up too quickly!



I noticed that Galo has been getting very green and Anina is brown with a bit of green, Aina is also a bit bigger. They could be the opposite sex, it would be amazing to see the colors as they develop and possibly see gender differences. Also, don't worry, I wouldn't breed them because I am not responsible enough to raise over 100 mantids and they are prone to inbreeding.
One more thing, I might try to make random mantis facts from time to time.
Random Mantis Facts!
Unlike most creatures, bugs have tons of eyes, including mantis. But why is there a black spot on the mantis' eye and why does it seem to move? Mantids' eyes have this optical illusion in them that makes it seem like they are always looking at you. What happens is that some of the ommatidia (bug eyes) that point directly at a viewer, absorb light straight on, making them look black. This is called pseudopupil, I recently learned about this and I crave more. :pop

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