Predator question

There are people on this forum from all over the world, you should add your location to your profile to help us out. Bears raid chicken and duck coops all the time here, in New Zealand they have a whole different set of predators.
There are people on this forum from all over the world, you should add your location to your profile to help us out. Bears raid chicken and duck coops all the time here, in New Zealand they have a whole different set of predators.
I am in Central Iowa
You should reinforce your fencing with some Hardware Cloth. Basic Chicken Wire just doesn;t cut it.

Get your chickens protected ASAP. Whatever killed the ducks will be back. I'd also set up a trap or two as well as a game cam.
I am going to get hardware cloth. This is how the pens were advertised and had good reviews for protection. I let my guard down and it’s my fault. Any advice for the bottom on the ground?
I’m very sorry for you loss but I have to say your pen was just an attack waiting to happen doesn’t look like you have any hardware cloth over your chain link maybe it’s there but just can’t be seen. What’s over the top? Weasels mink and raccoons are terrible predators and can get into just about anything unless it’s covered with hardware cloth an fashioned down so nothing can get through or under. Your poor ducks could not even try an escape. Mink weasel can get through chain link and a raccoon can climb up an over or climb up an open that latch. I hope before you get more ducks you’ll totally reinforce your pen and get them a coop they can all sleep in. I am afraid your chickens will be next.

I am going to get hardware cloth. This is how the pens were advertised and had good reviews for protection. I let my guard down and it’s my fault. Any advice for the ground? I’ll put the hardware cloth along the side.
I smell weasel or mink...are they in your area?

Something will always be around at times.......just get a nice live trap bait it with tuna and put it out at any signs of a predator.
Don't kill them locate them at least 6-8 miles away from where you caught it. Everyone will be happy.
I smell weasel or mink...are they in your area?

Something will always be around at times.......just get a nice live trap bait it with tuna and put it out at any signs of a predator.
Don't kill them locate them at least 6-8 miles away from where you caught it. Everyone will be happy.

Relocating is often illegal. There is the risk of disease transmission as well as dropping a critter in some other critters territory where it doesn't know where food, water, shelter are either.

It is more humane to dispatch what is caught.

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