Predators/ when it is a snake

Put light bulbs in the nest. The snake can't tell the difference between an egg and a light bulb after the hen has sat on it. They smell the same.

Golf balls are round, and the snake can regurgitate them, but light bulbs seem to hang up in there.

Good Luck,

A friend of mine takes a roll of flight netting and cuts pieces of it and then lays it around the outside of her barn. When the snakes travel over it trying to get to the barn they get tangled. See....


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I hate to have my feed bill, too. I will be slimming down the numbers soon. We are raising our own meat so some are due to go. The chickens all stay, but some turkeys, ducks, both pigs and a sheep will be out within the month. The chickens are already down by 12 RIR. We have a couple rabbits going to auction this weekend, too. We had to make sure of fertility before deciding on a buck to keep and check mothering skills to choose 2 does. We've got that figured now. We have 12 four week old rabbits as well.

My name is Kimberly and I have a farming problem.....
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