Preparing to set call and pekin duck eggs! Hatch day should be March 4, 2021 if all goes well!

I have some fun news!! I’m picking up a new house for my ducks this weekend! A full run with the 1/4 in hardware cloth and a roof, a shed, and some fixtures! Should be an exciting adventure! I’ll be sure to get pictures of the new setup! It’s going to be great!

Guess I should hire some strong men to help me load all of it! Or maybe I’ll just hire them, sit back and watch the show…:gig
I have some fun news!! I’m picking up a new house for my ducks this weekend! A full run with the 1/4 in hardware cloth and a roof, a shed, and some fixtures! Should be an exciting adventure! I’ll be sure to get pictures of the new setup! It’s going to be great!

Guess I should hire some strong men to help me load all of it! Or maybe I’ll just hire them, sit back and watch the show…:gig
So exciting!!!! Can't wait to see it. :pop
Butter is so photogenic.
@Overo Mare I was going to ask you if your Pastels have arrived yet (or when they do)?

I have a pending purchase of a show quality pair in the near future. I also have a lead on some quality Black East Indies! :)

With all the new space I'll have to stop myself from adding even more! It'll turn into a dux explosion! :oops:
I decided to wait until spring to order them. That and uh.... I found another breeder I'm considering as well.

Going to be a duck explosion here too lol. 😅

Pics of your pair!!
I decided to wait until spring to order them. That and uh.... I found another breeder I'm considering as well.

Going to be a duck explosion here too lol. 😅

Pics of your pair!!
Ah. Good idea. They'll be well worth the wait! ;)

lmao. The duck explosion must be a worldwide phenomenon! I think the duck collecting is contagious! Might be a pandemic soon! :lau

I don't currently have any pictures from the breeder, as I haven't picked the exact pair I'm purchasing yet. I will post tons of pictures when I get them! I'm so excited! It's been in the making since July! :pop

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