Preparing to set call and pekin duck eggs! Hatch day should be March 4, 2021 if all goes well!

Here’s some photos:


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Thanks everyone for all the great advice! I really appreciate all the help! I have some good news! I tried the terrimycin and his third eyelid has gone back in place as of now. I have gotten him to eat some food and drink some water. I also got some nutridrench in him. :)

I think the poor sweetie could possibly be blind. I notice he runs into stuff a lot, falls down, and also misses the food when he pecks at it.:confused:

@shawluvsbirds @BirdsBeesTrees @Miss Lydia
Well...he could be blind.
It's not a death will just be a little harder for him.
Just be mindful of it and try to keep food and water sources in the same spot so he can find them.
Well...he could be blind.
It's not a death will just be a little harder for him.
Just be mindful of it and try to keep food and water sources in the same spot so he can find them.
Thanks! I’m thinking either he is, or his vision is off.
Yep. I’ll keep the food and water so it won’t be as hard for him to find it just in case. I’m trying really hard and hoping for the best for this little fella. ❤️
The menace response is an accurate, easy measure for assessing a patient's vision. With one finger, quickly move it towards the duckling's bad eye - a bird with good vision will blink, and jolt away, if the duckling shows no reaction it's apparent the eye is not functioning correctly.


An ophthalmic ointment such as Terramycin or antibacterial ointment such as Neosporin can be applied to the eye initially to reduce possible excess bacterial population, and increase a moist environment, but should not be used continuously due to the chance of bacterial resistance. Applying a few drops of saline, or plain warm water may be good for the next few days to help lavage out any unwanted debris, and keep the ocular surface moist.
The menace response is an accurate, easy measure for assessing a patient's vision. With one finger, quickly move it towards the duckling's bad eye - a bird with good vision will blink, and jolt away, if the duckling shows no reaction it's apparent the eye is not functioning correctly.

View attachment 2570181

An ophthalmic ointment such as Terramycin or antibacterial ointment such as Neosporin can be applied to the eye initially to reduce possible excess bacterial population, and increase a moist environment, but should not be used continuously due to the chance of bacterial resistance. Applying a few drops of saline, or plain warm water may be good for the next few days to help lavage out any unwanted debris, and keep the ocular surface moist.
Thanks Isaac! Great idea! I just tested this on little Wobbles. I did two attempts per side. I moved my finger quickly on either side of his face. I then tried my entire hand and the same occurred. No response whatsoever on either side. He didn’t flinch nor even blink. So I’m guessing his eyes aren’t functioning normally after all.

I did initially apply Terramycin but will discontinue further usage. I will try the saline.
Thanks Isaac! Great idea! I just tested this on little Wobbles. I did two attempts per side. I moved my finger quickly on either side of his face. I then tried my entire hand and the same occurred. No response whatsoever on either side. He didn’t flinch nor even blink. So I’m guessing his eyes aren’t functioning normally after all.

I did initially apply Terramycin but will discontinue further usage. I will try the saline.

For further assurance, I would try to do the test on another duckling and make sure it reacts as should.

Also I was going to ask you I notice that he’s making a sort of gurgling noise. Sounds like it could possibly be his lungs. I’m not sure.

Do you know what this could be from? I’ll try to get a video in the morning.

Have you given him any fluids?
For further assurance, I would try to do the test on another duckling and make sure it reacts as should.

Have you given him any fluids?
Thanks for the help.
I’ll try the test on one of the other ducklings just to be sure.

Yes, he has drank. I didn’t force any liquids but he has been drinking on his own. I have put a bit of water in a little bottle cap and have been setting him near it and getting him to drink. He seems to tilt his head back and drink ok once he finds it but I’m worried he could have aspirated a bit of water. I put nutridrench in his water too so he has had some of that as well. :hmm

Edited fo add that I forgot to mention he's been making this certain noise since he first hatched. It's like a gurgling/clicking noise. Hard to explain but I'll get the video tomorrow.
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