Preparing to set call and pekin duck eggs! Hatch day should be March 4, 2021 if all goes well!

Sorry I have been a bit absent lately. I’m so glad your ducklings are doing well, they are so stinking cute!! I’m sorry the little last one didn’t make it. Sometimes when they are slow to hatch, no matter how much we help, it just isn’t meant to be. :hugs.

Also on a side note, I had a couple with eye issues before, and realized it was the eye that was “exposed” while assisting the hatch. Now I always try to get the membrane away from that eye, by either cutting it out or at least running a q-tip under the membrane with oil or at least to stretch it out, so it doesn’t adhere to their eye. Just a thought for future assists.
Sorry I have been a bit absent lately. I’m so glad your ducklings are doing well, they are so stinking cute!! I’m sorry the little last one didn’t make it. Sometimes when they are slow to hatch, no matter how much we help, it just isn’t meant to be. :hugs.

Also on a side note, I had a couple with eye issues before, and realized it was the eye that was “exposed” while assisting the hatch. Now I always try to get the membrane away from that eye, by either cutting it out or at least running a q-tip under the membrane with oil or at least to stretch it out, so it doesn’t adhere to their eye. Just a thought for future assists.
It’s ok. Thanks, me too! I agree, they are cuties! Yep, probably just wasn’t meant to be. At least I tried my best to give him a good life. :hmm

And thanks for the advice! That is very good to know for in the future. I’ll make sure to do that next hatch. :)
The babies went swimming for the first time and loved it! ❤️ :pop Beans (the blue fawn) is so itty bitty compared to the other two! He is 9 days old today. Two days older than the black bibbed and one day younger than the grey.


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